Study Guide For Thyroids and other Endocrines


This is the orginal study guide that has been modified over the years. To cover all your bases I have added a similar guide to your assignment area. There you will find weeks 1 and 2 on what we covered and what I expect you know. If there are any questions please feel free to ask. Our goal is to make sure that you have a clear understanding of what is expected when it comes to learning this course material.

  1. Compare the iodines and 99mTc and know the associated physiology. Go
  2. Understand and apply the negative biofeedback loop in thyroid physiology. Go
  3. Know the different diseases in hyper and hypothyroidism. Go
  4. Differentiate the different types of thyroid cancer. Which one(s) can be imaged/treated with radioiodine? Go
  5. Define TSH and Cytomel suppression procedures. Go
  6. Have a general understanding on how different agents compete with thyroid uptake and scan. Example - How does IV contrast effect 123I uptake? Go
  7. Apply the ideal uses for 123I, 131I, and 99mTc in thyroid uptake and imaging. Go
  8. Discuss the methods of evaluation the parathyroid gland Go
    1. Sestamibi
    2. Sestamibi and pertechnetate
    3. 201Tl and pertechnetate
    4. Normalization
  9. Evaluate mIBG Go
    1. Application for Neuroblastoma and Pheochromcytoma
    2. Compare 123I to 131I-mIBG
    3. Outline the imaging process
    4. Therapeutic approach in 131I-mIBG application Go
  10. Evaluate Octreoscan Go
    1. Compare somatostatin to pentetreotide
    2. Identify how Octreotide tags to 111In
    3. Outline the imaging procedure
  11. Bexxar and Zevlin
    1. Understand the sequencing of events for diagnostic and therapeutic application
    2. Role of cold Moab and the CD20
    3. Administration of the pharm/radiopharmacy
    4. Identify when therapy should not be given
  12. Consider therapeutic applications for thyroid diseases Go
    1. Hyperthyroidism Go
      1. Treatment - based on disease
      2. Formulas
    2. Thyroid cancer Go
      1. Liquid vs. pill
      2. BioAssay
      3. In patient vs. out patient
      4. In patient setup/treatment/decontamination
  13. Calculate and compare the two different types of thyroid uptake equations. Go
  14. Calculate geometric variation of a beta emitter Go

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