Vojislav Kecman

Welcome to the LAAL site

There is no part of contemporary human activity left untouched by both the need for and the desire to collect data. The consequences of such a fact are obvious - we are surrounded by and, in fact, we are immersed in an ocean of all kinds of data (a.k.a. measurements, images, patterns, sounds, web pages, tunes, x-rays and/or ct images, etc.) generated by various types of sensors, cameras, microphones, pieces of software and/or other devices. Humans can't handle usually ultra-large-scale data sets but, we can develop algorithms and methods for performing the heavy mining job of learning from data. This is what is tirelessly, carefully and efficiently performed at the LAAL but, while doing that, we are fondly thinking about

Francesco Petrarca's (Petrarch's) XIV century motto:
"I couldn't face making a merchandise of my mind."

In addition, the line in Proverbs 16-16 points at the very roots of our research motivations and scientific efforts:
"How much better it is to get wisdom than gold! And to get understanding is to be chosen above silver."

Once developed we do apply our precious models 'everywhere', notably in Bioinformatics, Medicine, Engineering, Science, E-commerce, World Wide Web (exploration, categorization, and mining), Time Series (Prediction), Images (compression) and, ..., well, elsewhere.
(The tiny icon above is the segment of Milić od Mačve's painting "Izučavanje Lepenskog pisma", standing for "Learning About, or Study of, Lepenski Vir's script", painted in 1987.)

Our newest algorithms and software (downloadable from Downloads here) include:

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