
OLLAWV - Fast, Accurate and Aimed at Large Datasets, stochastic gradientbased(SGD), OnLine Learning Algorithm for kernelized (i.e., nonlinear) SVMs using WORST VIOLATORS.

NEW OLLA - Fast, Accurate and Aimed at Large Datasets, stochastic gradient based (SGD), OnLine Learning Algorithm for kernelized (i.e., nonlinear) SVMs and other alike classifiers.

LL SVM: Locally Linear Support Vector Machines and Other Local Models

Seminar, The Good Old is The Good New Too, Gauss-Seidel, Newton-Raphson, Machine Learning & Data Mining

GSVM – Extra fast geometric approach based NONLINEAR SVMs software for ultra large data sets

LinearSVM – Extra fast linear SVM software for ultra large data sets

ALH – Adaptive Local Hyperplane software

SemiL – Semi-supervised Learning software

ISDA – Iterative Single Data Algorithm software

LearnSC – Learning and Soft Computing an Educational, MATLAB based, software

State-Space Models of Lumped and Distributed Systems - System Dynamics Modeling book

Virginia commonwealth university
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