

  1. Majda, A.J., Stechmann, S.N., Chen, S., Ogrosky, H.R. & Thual, S. 2019 Explaining Tropical Intraseasonal Variability with the Stochastic Skeleton Model. Springer Briefs in Mathematics of Planet Earth. 123 pages.

Journal Articles 

  1. Camassa, R., Ogrosky, H.R. & Olander, J. submitted. Low-Reynolds small amplitude flow of an Upper Convected Maxwell liquid in a vertical tube.

  2. Ogrosky, H.R. submitted. On the impact of viscosity ratio on falling two-layer viscous film flow inside a tube.

  3. Ogrosky, H.R. 2021 Linear stability and nonlinear dynamics in a long-wave modell of film flows inside a tube in the presence of surfactant. J. Fluid Mech. 908, A23-1-35.

  4. Camassa, R., Marzuola, J., Ogrosky, H.R. & Swygert, S. 2021 On the stability of traveling wave solutions to thin-film and long-wave models for film flows inside a tube. Physica D 415, 132750-1-9.

  5. Ogrosky, H.R., Stechmann, S.N. & Hottovy, S. 2019 Instability and nonlinear dynamics of the MJO in a tropical channel model with vertically-varying convective adjustment. Theor. Comp. Fluid Dyn. 33, 307-323.

  6. Ogrosky, H.R., Stechmann, S.N., Chen, N. & Majda, A.J. 2019 Singular Spectrum Analysis with conditional predictions for real-time state estimation and forecasting. Geophys. Res. Lett. 46, 1851-1860.

  7. Camassa, R., Ogrosky, H.R. & Olander, J. 2017 Viscous film flow coating the interior of a vertical tube. Part 2. Air-driven flow. J. Fluid Mech. 825, 1056-1090.

  8. Ogrosky, H.R., Stechmann, S.N. & Majda, A.J. 2017 Boreal summer intraseasonal oscillations in the MJO skeleton model with observation-based forcing. Dyn. Atmos. Oceans 78, 38-56.

  9. Camassa, R., Marzuola, J., Ogrosky, H.R. & Vaughn, N. 2016 Traveling waves for a model of gravity-driven film flows in cylindrical domains. Physica D 333, 254-265.

  10. Ogrosky, H.R. & Stechmann, S.N. 2016 Identifying convectively coupled equatorial waves using theoretical wave eigenvectors. Mon. Wea. Rev. 144, 2235-2264.

  11. Ogrosky, H.R. & Stechmann, S.N. 2015 Assessing the equatorial long-wave approximation: asymptotics and observational data analysis. J. Atmos. Sci. 72, 4821-4843.

  12. Camassa, R. & Ogrosky, H.R. 2015 On viscous film flows coating the interior of a tube: thin-film and long-wave models. J. Fluid Mech. 772, 569-599.

  13. Ogrosky, H.R. & Stechmann, S.N. 2015 The MJO skeleton model with an observation-based background state and forcing. Quart. J. Roy. Meteor. Soc. 141, 2654-2669.

  14. Stechmann, S.N. & Ogrosky, H.R. 2014 The Walker circulation, diabatic heating, and outgoing longwave radiation. Geophys. Res. Lett. 41, 9097-9105.
    Selected as "AGU Research Spotlight": Minnehan, C. 2015 Rethinking how tropical convection works, Eos 96, doi: 10.1029/2015EO032677.

  15. Camassa, R., Ogrosky, H.R. & Olander, J. 2014 Viscous film flow coating the interior of a vertical tube. Part I. Gravity-driven flow. J. Fluid Mech. 745, 682-715.

  16. Camassa, R., Forest, M.G., Lee, L., Ogrosky, H.R. & Olander, J. 2012 Ring waves as a mass transport mechanism in air-driven core-annular flows. Phys. Rev. E 86, 066305-1-11.


  1. Ogrosky, H.R., Modeling Liquid Film Flow Inside a Vertical Tube, Ph.D. Thesis, University of North Carolina, 2013.

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