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2000 Publications

Yu J-Z, DX Zhang, AP Zou, WB Campbell, PL Li.  Nitric oxide inhibits Ca2+ mobilization through cADP-ribose signaling pathway in bovine coronary arterial smooth muscle cells. Am J Physiol 279: H873-H881, 2000

Geiger J, AP Zou, WB Campbell, PL Li. Inhibition of cADP-ribose formation produces vasodilation in bovine coronary arteries. Hypertension 35:397-402, 2000

Campbell WB, AP Zou, PL Li. Epoxyeicosatrienoic acid as endothelium-derived hyperpolarization factors in coronary arteries: potassium channels activation through endogenous ADP-ribosylation of Gs. Endothelium-dependent HyperpolarizationsEdited by P.M. Vanhoutte. 11-16, 2000