BNFo 491/591 
Subcommittee on Genetic Modification
Orientation (Staffers) - Questionnaire on Strategies of Life

(please press SUBMIT button when finished)
Please submit your responses no later than noon the day of the session
Spring 2019 

My advice on the matters for the day (as listed in the calendar):

  • Notes: Strategies of Life: Go through these notes, paying particular attention to the study questions and noting what's new or difficult to you.
  • Notes: Self Assembly: Go through this short tutorial.
  • Investigation: What is a Gene?: You'll probably feel more comfortable if we start this together in an orientation session.

I. Basic Information

    A. Your name 
II. Old and continuing business
  1. Nature of SoGeM and orientation
    Do you understand the nature of the subcommittee?
    Do you understand your role as a staffer?
    Do you think your representative knows his role?
  2. How to find articles:
    All OK? Problem Set 1 going OK?
  3. Results vs Conclusions:
    Is the distinction perhaps illustrated in your exercise with the article and your representative's exercise with the poem clear or becoming clear?
  4. Approach to Research Articles:
    Are you making progress in exploring the research article pointed to by your news article concerning Vitamin D?
  5. Expanding Modes of Thought:
    Do you believe your representative is making progress in exploring one of the two books on reserve?
III. New Business - Self Assembly
  1. How far have you gotten in the tutorial on Self Assembly?  
  2. Consider how comfortable you are with the following topics (as defined by the notes Self Assembly):
    • How the interaction between water molecules determines the interaction between (hydrophobic) plastic beads
    • How the interaction between water molecules determines the interaction between (hydrophilic) glass beads
    • How these properties can determine the shapes of complex structures, e.g. membranes and proteins

    With this in mind, how could our session best be spent to meet your needs?
    Do you have any other questions concerning the material in the notes?

IV. New Business - Strategies of Life
  1. How far have you gotten in the notes Strategies of Life
    (You can answer by referring to the last section you read or study question you addressed.)
  2. Consider how comfortable you are with the following topics (as defined by the notes Strategies of Life):
    • How information passes from DNA through RNA to protein?
    • The mechanism by which genes might determine the function of an organism?
    • How amphipathic lipids can self-assemble into the sphere shown in Fig. 2B?
    • The relationship between monomers and the four major types of biological polymers?
    • How in general enzymes might determine the nature of a cell?
    • How all of this has anything to do with genome modification?
    • Study Questions 1 through 9?

    With this in mind, how could our session best be spent to meet your needs?
    Do you have any other questions concerning the material in the notes?

V. Miscellaneous

Any other comments, questions, suggestions, or concerns you may have?
