fCardinal District BSA Cardinal District BSA

Wood Badge Handbook

The idea is to have everything our fellow Scouters need for their wood badge experience in one place. The document will also serve as reference, to be used in the future when they want to refresh their memories. You're likely familiar with the Scoutmaster Handbook from BSA--that's what we've aimed for in our Wood Badge course.

The idea comes from WE-35-06 in Marin County California. They put together a "participants notebook"  and a "patrol leaders notebook."  Note that we did not hand out any "PowerPoint handouts" in SR917 --Nope. Only what's in the Wood Badge Handbook.

The fruits of our labor is the SR917 Wood Badge Handbook, either in pdf format (2.6MB). And if all you want is the page number for your section, here is the list.

...or the modified version (mistakes removed; last minute addons) in MSWord (18MB). Note on the MSWord version: You'll need the WOODBADGE and HANA fonts, which you can find here.--You'll need to install them in your FONTS folder on your hard drive. And, you'll need to put the D123.xls and D456.xls files in the same directory as the word file for the "plumbing" to work. If you want to download everything in one piece, here is the Zip file (16MB). Also note that the fonts and paragraphs were kept consistent by following a style guide. Without this, everyone would have chosen different layouts and the whole thing would look like a ransom note--advice: have one person who is skilled in MSWord put together the final document for you. *Also note that we've abolished the term "participants" and replaced it with the inclusive and welcoming term used in the syllabus and admin guide: "Our Fellow Scouters." You may also note that weekend two (for us) was Saturday thru Monday. We did this so we could have a full slate of Venturers show up and not miss school. So, some of the elements in our course may be at different time slots than yours. You'll be able to revise it to suit your course.

We found it very useful to have everything printed up ahead of time and Our Fellow Scouters found the document useful during the course and will refer to it during the course. Let me know if you need anything to make it your own! (ALBest@vcu.edu).

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