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Eritrean Languages

Answers for Exercise 6


       I. translate the following into Tigre:

          1. When will you come ?     mdol egl tmS'i tu ?(f).
                                      mdol egl tmSa' tu ? (m)
             I will come tomorrow.    fejr egl emSa' tu.  

          2. When did you come ?      mdol meSa'ki ? (f).
                                      mdol meSa'ka ? (m).

             I came yesterday.        male meSa'ko.

          3. When will you go ?       mdol egl tigisi tu ? (f)
                                      mdol egl tigis tu?   (m)
             I will go next week.     lemeS' samn egl egis tu.

          4. Who is this ?            ela men ta ? (f)  
                                      eli men tu ? (m) 

             this is my friend.       ela melhyeche ta (f)     
                                      eli melahayie tu (m)

          5. Who was with you ?       men Ala mslki ? (f)    
                                      men Ala mslka ?(m) 

             my sister was with me.   Hche Alet mslyie.             
      II.  Translate to English:

           1. ana SeHay ewan teHafn may eSem'. I get thirsty when the sun 
                                               gets hot.

           2. zlam ewan meS' lemdr berd.       the land get cool when it 

           3. ewan Hagay le mdr Hafn.          in the summer the land 
                                               gets hot.

           4. lali Hagay Hachar ta.            summer night is short.

           5. amEl Hagay lakin reyam ta.       but summer day is long.


    new words

               SeHay      sun
               Hagay      summer

End of Answers for Exercise 6

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