lecture 9 - 'Baroque'


Doubting Thomas, c. 1600
Sanssouci Picture Gallery, Germany

After his death, the style of Caravaggio was spread by his followers, eventually replacing the stylized Mannerist paintings with a more 'earthy' or realistic presentation. The Art of the Baroque period is largely characterized by his influence.

Caravaggio - Artble

Caravaggisti - Wikipedia

Caravaggism - Rijks Museum

Utrecht Caravaggism - Wikipedia

The Art and Influence of Caravaggio - Eric Edwards

Caravaggio and Caravaggisti in 17th-Century Europe - Khan Academy

Caravaggio and Caravaggisti in 17th-Century Europe - Oxford University Press

'Gerard' van Honthorst

The Matchmaker - 1625, Centraal Museum in Utrecht

Gerrit van Honthorst, 1590 - 1656 - The National Gallery, London
Gerrit van Honthorst - The J. Paul Getty Museum

Judith Leyster, Self Portrait - c. 1630 - 1635

Judith Leyster - National Museum of Women in the Arts
Judith Leyster - National Gallery of Art

Frans Hals

Laughing Cavalier, 1624
Wallace Collection, London

Frans Hals catalog raisonné - Wikimedia Commons
Frans Hals - The Atelier of Virgil Elliott


Bartolome Esteban Murillo

Two Women at a Window, 1655–1660
National Gallery of Art

Bartolome Esteban Murillo - Artble



El Bufón Calabacillas
Museo del Prado 1636-37

'The Jester Juande Calabazas'
Detail c. 1637

Through March 12, 2017: Velázquez Portraits: Truth in Painting -
at The Metropolitan Museum of Art

From dwarves to King Philip IV,
the humanity expressed in the portraits of Velazquez is profound,
revealing both dignity and vulnerability.

Diego Velázquez: The Early Court Portraits - Meadows Museum, Dallas

Velázquez (1599–1660) - The Metropolitan Museum

List of works by Diego Velázquez - Wikipedia

Diego Velázquez - National Gallery, London

Self Portrait, c. 1650

Museu de Belles Arts de València
Felipe IV, c. 1653

Prado Museum


The deep psychological observations of Rembrandt were a lasting contribution to world art. Influenced by his senior, Frans Hals, and the Caravaggisti,
Rembrandt's Religious Themes and self-portraits are dominant in art history:

Rembrandt van Rijn (1606–1669): Paintings - The Metropolitan Museum of Art

Rembrandt van Rijn: Life and Work - Rembrandt Painting.net

Rembrandt - The Art Institute of Chicago

Rembrandt - Third Millennium Ministries

The Dutch Art Market was the beginning of the modern art market,
with the mercantile class commissioning not only portraits and group portraits,
but also creating a demand for genre scenes and still life paintings:

The Art Market of 17th Century Holland - Regarding the History of Art and the Art Market

A Brief Overview of the Dutch Art Market in the 17th Century - Essential Vermeer

The Dutch Art Market in the Seventeenth Century - University of Glasgow

Painting : Mass Production for a New Market - Guide Holland

Art Market - Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.

Guild of Saint Luke - Wikipedia

Rembrandt self portrait
Rembrandt Self Portrait, 1659
National Gallery, Washington, D.C.

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