Political Science 363/International Studies 363

United States Foreign Policy

Summer 2016


Bill Newmann, Political Science program

Office Hours: 318 Founders Hall: Tuesday, Thursday 1:30-3:00 or By Appointment

Phone: Office: 828-8038

e-mail: wnewmann@vcu.edu

Newmann's home page: www.people.vcu.edu/~wnewmann with links to other Newmann syllabi and other fun stuff.



This course serves as an introduction to US foreign policy. We’ll start with the basics (the structure of the US foreign policy bureaucracies and basic theories of how we think about US national interests), but we will we proceed from there to tackle the challenging issues (dealing with potential great power rivals such as China; the threat from middle powers who reject international norms such as Iraq under Saddam Hussein or the current Iranian regime; and 21st century threats from non-state actors such as al-Qaeda).   Underneath it all will be two simple questions.  First, how do we define the threats to the US?  Second, what should be the US role in the world?  Politicians, scholars, think tanks, lobby groups, the media, and the public have generated a number of potential foreign policy priorities, including: spreading democracy, opening closed economies, fostering basic human rights in other nations, responding to humanitarian tragedies, ending civil or ethnic wars, preventing the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, deterring the rise of rival great powers, maintaining regional balances of power, ensuring US hegemony, counterterrorism, and even reducing the US role in world affairs in an effort to concentrate on the problems at home.  We’ll be studying the interplay of those priorities an, how they change from time to time, and the way priorities are decided. The course will focus on the following: 

National Security Decision Making Process: We will examine the wild and wacky world of foreign policy decision making. People think that issues as serious as nuclear weapons policy or armed intervention are decided upon in the most solemn and analytical manner. I wish. Foreign policy decision making often resembles a bunch of three-year-olds in a sandbox fighting over the only pail and shovel. Understanding the way decisions are made is perhaps the single most important aspect of analyzing foreign policy. Many people think that there really is no US foreign policy, only a process that churns out half-decisions, non-decisions and useless compromises. By the end of the semester you will be familiar with the policy making process and all the institutions, Departments, and Agencies involved.

The Cold War Years: In examining the period of intense competition with the USSR, we will focus on the emergence of the two antagonists in the late 1940s and 1950s; US involvement in Vietnam; detente and arms control during the Nixon years; the fall of detente and the collapse of arms control during the Carter years; and the renewed Cold War of the early Reagan years. The focus is two-fold: the ways in which the US and USSR formed a competitive, yet in many ways cooperative relationship. In the USSR, Mikhail Gorbachev had begun the restructuring of the USSR, a restructuring that would eventually reshape the world. We will examine the Reagan and Bush administrations' responses to the changes within the USSR and the changes around the world that followed.

US Foreign Policy after the Cold War: Finally, we will explore the range of possibilities for the future in terms of a number of issues: the rise of economic priorities; the issue of intervention and peace operations; human rights and democracy; great power rivals to the US; and the spread of weapons of mass destruction. We will try to answer the big picture questions: What world role should the US assume after the Cold War? Are there economic threats facing the US that are as challenging as the political-military threat of the old USSR? How should the US organize and use its military assets after the Cold War? Is China the next great rival to the US?

Post-9/11 and the Future of US Foreign Policy: Has the terrorist attack on the US changed everything we know about foreign policy or has it simply added to the complexity of the challenges the US faces as the only remaining superpower?  What are the threats the US must deal with: terrorist attack, radical ideologies, authoritarian states, economic challengers, economic institution building?  What is the proper US role in the world: building democracies, rolling back the spread of anti-democratic and anti-American ideologies, the rise of rivals to the US (China, India, EU), building better global governance based on US values?  For example, what is more dangerous: a capitalist and authoritarian China or the failures of public education in Pakistan or the spread of infectious disease in poor nations? 

Within each of these categories we will address these key issues:


In the class readings we will pay special attention to US policy in the Middle East and US relations with China.


For an extensive list of governmental and non-governmental sources of information on foreign affairs click here: Links to Websites on foreign policy and national security. Some of these links may be in a state of flux because of the transition to a new administration. I will try to keep them updated, but if anything changes or disappears, let me know.


You need to read them. The books are available at the Virginia Book Company on Shafer St. or the VCU Bookstore.  If anyone has problems getting access to the texts, for any reason, let me know as soon as possible so you don't get too far behind in the reading. As indicated below, some are on reserve at Cabell Library room 301)

·         Stephen Sestanovich. Maximalist (New York: Vintage, 2014) On Reserve


A guideline for the readings: There are aspects of US foreign policy that you should give special attention as you do your readings. They affect every debate over US foreign policy and it is probably a good idea to understand how they relate to major issues and events when it comes to the final exam: (1) Decision Making: US foreign policy does not just happen. Men and women make those decisions and that process is important in shaping the actual substance of US foreign policy; (2) Intervention Policy: The US picks and chooses what type of world events have bearing on US national interests and in which events it will take an active role. On what basis does the US make those decisions? How has the US definition of national interest changed over the years and have the criteria for involvement in international events changed? (3) Cold War vs. Post-Cold War vs. War on Terrorism: How have the definitions of US national interests evolved? (4) Domestic Politics: Are the definitions of national interest and the content of US foreign policy based upon the threats the US faces or on domestic political contests and trends that influence the perceptions of those threats?


Grading System: Grades will be determined through the following:

Map Quiz

(Printable Blank Maps)

June 2

5% of the grade

Exam 1

June 21

30% of the grade

Research Paper

Paper Topic June 2

Paper Due July 7

35% of the grade

Exam 2

July 14

30% of the grade

How do you calculate your grade? Use the percentages from the above table. So, if you received the following grades, you would calculate your grades in the following manner:

I give you this very detailed formula for a number of reasons. You should never be unaware of what your class average is. You can calculate it at any point in the semester. If your grade is not what you'd like it to be, you should know, and you should come see me about it. Do not come to me after Exam 2 and say that you're having trouble in the class. It's too late at that point. But any time in the semester that you feel you are having trouble, or not doing as well as you feel you should, come talk to me. During my office hours and by appointment I am happy to talk to you about the class


Grading scale: I use a typical scale: A = 90-100; B = 80-89; C = 70-79; D = 55-69. Borderline grades are considered in the following manner.

·         If your grade is 69.5, 79.5, or 89.5 or higher, then you may be a candidate for a round up to the higher grade (Notice those numbers in the sentence; do not ask for a higher grade if your average is a 68 or 78 or 88 or lower; those are not borderline averages).

·         You may become a candidate if your grades are borderline and if your grades have been going up during the semester.

·         That means that if you are borderline, but your last exam is lower than the previous exams (you are between a B and C, but your third exam is a C for example), you will probably get the lower grade.

·         If you are borderline, and your last exam is higher than the previous exams (you are between a B and C, but your third exam is a B), you may get the higher grade.

·         Another factor I consider is the typical grade you receive. Let’s say we have four grades for the class and three are grades of B and one is a C (bad day) and your average is a 79.6, you are a candidate for receiving a B.  If you have four grades and three are grades of C and one is a grade of B, you are probably not a candidate for the higher grade

·         There is no extra credit for this class.  Please do not ask.



Research Paper: Paper Topics are due June 2. The paper is due July 7 in hard copy at the beginning of class or it is late.  I will review rough drafts, outlines, and even completed papers, if handed in by June 30.  This is not required, but an opportunity for you let me review your paper and get it back to you so you can use my comments to rewrite your paper.  The following instructions are important. Please pay attention to them.  If you don't you will wind up hurting your grade:  

·         LATE PAPERS: The late penalty is ten points per day, meaning that after class begins your paper, if a 95, is now an 85, after two days it is a 75, after three it is a 65, and so on down to zero.



EXAMS: The exams will be short answer and essay. One week before the exam I will place a review sheet on line, linked to this syllabus, below this paragraph. This review sheet should be used as your study guide for the exam. The review sheet will include some terms that are from the readings only, so that you can go back and review those items from the readings. Once you have the review sheet, feel free to ask me questions about the terms. This is the best way to study for the exam. If you understand the terms on the review sheet, you can define each one and see how each one relates to the larger concepts and issues we've discussed in class, you should do just fine on the exam. The exams will consist of short answer/identifications and one essay. I will give more details on the exams in class as we approach the first exam.


Review I

Review II



Note: For the first few weeks the readings will be ahead of the class lectures. Make sure you keep up, though. If you do not do the readings you will quickly be lost and you'll be in serious trouble on the first exam. The dates below are the dates when you should have finished the readings (except for the first week of course). 

Day 1: May 24 Introduction and Decision Making
Sestanovich, Prologue, Chapters 1-2

Decision Making PPT



Day 2: May 26 No Class, but there are readings

Rothkopf, Chapter 3 and 4

Sestanovich, Chapters 3




Day 3: May 31 Decision Making and the Early Cold War

Sestanovich, Chapters 4-5

Rothkopf, Chapter 5

Early Cold War PPT

Audio Lecture Early Cold War 4 and 5

Audio Lecture Early Cold War 6



Day 4: June 2 A Strategy of Intervention

Map Quiz

Paper Topics Due

Sestanovich, Chapter 6-8 (145-209)

Rothkopf, Chapter 6 (108-137)

Cold War Strategies Intervention, Engagement, Confrontation (use this presentation for the next three classes)

Audio Lecture Intervention

Audio Lecture Post-Vietnam Changes



Day 5: June 7 The Strategy of Detente

Sestanovich, Chapter 8 (209-218)

Freedman, Chapters 2-4

Audio Lecture Nixon and Detente



Day 6: June 9 Détente Gets Complicated

Rothkopf, Chapter 8

Freedman, Chapters 5-6



Day 7: June 14 The New Cold War

Sestanovich, Chapter 9

Freedman, Chapter 7



Day 8: June 16 The End of the Cold War

Freedman, Chapter 9

Sestanovich, Chapter 10 (for exam 2)

Christensen, Introduction, Chapters 1 (for exam 2)

End of the Cold War



Day  9: June 21 Bush 41 and a “New World Order?”

Exam 1

Christensen, Introduction, Chapter 2

Bush 41 PPT



Day 10: June 23 Bush, Clinton and the Search for a New Foreign Policy

Christensen, Chapters 3, 4, and 6

Clinton PPT



Day 11: June 28 The Dilemma of China

Christensen, Chapters 7 and 8

China PPT



Day 12: June 30 Bush 43 and Post-9/11 World

Last Day for Turning in Rough Drafts of the Paper (optional)

Freedman, Chapters 17-19

Mazetti, Prologue and Chapters 1-2

Bush 43 PPT



Day 13: July 5 Iraq and Afghanistan and Beyond

Mazetti, Chapters 3-8

Iraq War PPT



Day 14: July 7 Obama Foreign Policy

Paper Due

Mazetti, Chapters 9-13

Obama PPT



Day 15: July 12 The Future of US Leadership

Mazetti, Chapters 14-Epilogue



Day 16: July 14 Exam 2




Where can you find information on international affairs?

 This is the questions students always ask me: “Where do I find good information on international affairs. I’m looking for something unbiased and something that doesn’t always look at the world through American eyes (as in how do these developments affect the US).


Here’s the short answer: For day by day coverage of events in the world:

  1. BBC News: http://news.bbc.co.uk/.   On a day-by-day basis, no other news organization covers the world as well.  It has separate pages for most regions, links to past stories, links to data bases, all kinds of information that will get you up to speed on anything.
  2. World News Network: http://wn.com/. This is a site which covers day-by-day events by creating links to major news papers around the world.  So if something is happening in Pakistan, for example, there will be several links to stories about the event from web-based sources in S. Asia, E. Asia, Europe, N. America…  It also has links to regional windows with coverage that is more focused.  It even has links to issue-specific compilations of links on various issues.  For example, the science page has sections for stories on AIDS, Biotech, cloning…
  3. For terrorism and counterterrorism check out The Long War Journal: http://www.longwarjournal.org.  It is a project of the Foundation for defense of Democracies, a non-partisan project, that keeps track day by day of events related to terrorism around the world.


On a weekly basis:

The Economist: www.economist.com.  This is a Britain-based weekly which covers world politics and world business.  There really is nothing else like it in the comprehensive nature of its coverage.  You can also buy it on the newsstand, but the web is free.  It covers world politics very well.


Long Term Views of Crisis and Conflict:

International Crisis Group: www.crisisweb.org.  This is the International Crisis Group, a non-profit organization that studies, analyzes, and makes recommendations about how to resolve various crises in the world.  There is nothing better for the in-depth examination of current world events and the dilemmas of problem solving and peace making.  It has reports (30-50 pages), briefings (10-30), and a weekly briefing (Crisis Watch), which you can get on the web site or sign up for e-mail delivery.


VCU Policies

VCU Email Policy

Email is considered an official method for communication at VCU because it delivers information in a convenient, timely, cost-effective, and environmentally aware manner. Students are expected to check their official VCU email on a frequent and consistent basis in order to remain informed of university-related communications. The university recommends checking email daily. Students are responsible for the consequences of not reading, in a timely fashion, university-related communications sent to their official VCU student email account. This policy ensures that all students have access to this important form of communication. It ensures students can be reached through a standardized channel by faculty and other staff of the university as needed. Mail sent to the VCU email address may include notification of university-related actions, including disciplinary action. Please read the policy in its entirety: http://www.ts.vcu.edu/kb/3407.html.


VCU Honor System: Upholding Academic Integrity

The VCU Honor System policy describes the responsibilities of students, faculty and administration in upholding academic integrity, while at the same time respecting the rights of individuals to the due process offered by administrative hearings and appeals. According to this policy, "Members of the academic community are required to conduct themselves in accordance with the highest standards of academic honesty and integrity." In addition, "All members of the VCU community are presumed to have an understanding of the VCU Honor System and are required to:



More information can be found at in the VCU policy library at http://www.assurance.vcu.edu/Policy%20Library/Honor%20System.pdf.


Student Conduct in the Classroom

According to the Faculty Guide to Student Conduct in Instructional Settings (http://www.assurance.vcu.edu/Policy%20Library/Faculty%20Guide%20to%20Student%20Conduct%20in%20Instructional%20Settings.pdf), “The university is a community of learners. Students, as well as faculty, have a responsibility for creating and maintaining an environment that supports effective instruction. In order for faculty members (including graduate teaching assistants) to provide and students to receive effective instruction in classrooms, laboratories, studios, online courses, and other learning areas, the university expects students to conduct themselves in an orderly and cooperative manner." Among other things, cell phones and beepers should be turned off while in the classroom. The Student Code of Conduct also prohibits the possession of or carrying of any weapon. For more information see http://register.dls.virginia.gov/details.aspx?id=3436.


Students with Disabilities

Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, as amended, require that VCU provide "academic adjustments" or "reasonable accommodations" to any student who has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits a major life activity. To receive accommodations, students must request them by contacting the Disability Support Services Office on the Monroe Park Campus (828-2253) or the Division for Academic Success on the MCV campus (828-9782). Please also visit the Disability Support Services website at www.students.vcu.edu/dss and/or the Division for Academic Success website at healthsciences.vcu.edu/DAS/ for additional information.


Any student who has a disability that requires an accommodation should schedule a meeting with the instructor at the student's earliest convenience. Additionally, if coursework requires the student to work in a lab environment, the student should advise the instructor or a department chairperson of any concerns that the student may have regarding safety issues related to a disability. Students should follow this procedure for all courses in the academic semester.


Statement on Military Short-Term Training or Deployment

If military students receive orders for short-term training or for deployment/mobilization, they should inform and present their orders to Military Student Services and to their professor(s). For further information on policies and procedures contact Military Services at 828-5993 or access the corresponding policies.


Excused Absences for Students Representing the University

Students who represent the university (athletes and others) do not choose their schedules. Student athletes are required to attend games and/or meets. All student athletes should provide their schedules to their instructors at the beginning of the semester. The Intercollegiate Athletic Council strongly encourages faculty to treat missed classes or exams (because of a scheduling conflict) as excused absences and urges faculty to work with the students to make up the work or exam.


Campus Emergency Information

What to Know and Do to Be Prepared for Emergencies at VCU:



Important Dates

You can view important dates for the Fall 2014 semester in the university calendar (http://academiccalendars.vcu.edu/ac_fullViewAll.asp?term=Fall+2014).


VCU Mobile

The VCU Mobile application is a valuable tool to get the latest VCU information on the go. The application contains helpful information including the VCU directory, events, course schedules, campus maps, athletics and general VCU news, emergency information, library resources, Blackboard and more. To download the application on your smart phone or for more information, please visit http://m.vcu.edu.


Class Registration Required for Attendance

Students may attend only those classes for which they have registered. Faculty may not add students to class rosters or Blackboard. Therefore, if students are attending a class for which they have not registered, they must stop attending.


Withdrawal from Classes

Before withdrawing from classes, students should consult their instructor as well as other appropriate university offices. Withdrawing from classes may negatively impact a student’s financial aid award and his or her semester charges. To discuss financial aid and the student bill, visit the Student Services Center at 1015 Floyd Avenue (Harris Hall) and/or contact your financial aid counselor regarding the impact on your financial aid. Contact information for the University Financial Aid Office is available at http://www.enrollment.vcu.edu/finaid/contact-us/.


Student Financial Responsibility

Students assume the responsibility of full payment of tuition and fees generated from their registration and all charges for housing and dining services, and other applicable miscellaneous charges. Students are ultimately responsible for any unpaid balance on their account as a result of the University Financial Aid Office or their third party sponsor canceling or reducing their award(s).