POLI 308 Summer 2015

Review Four

Jeri Newmann

This looks big, but don't worry.  If you have come to class and done all the reading, nothing here should be new to you.

            Also, though there are a lot of terms, obviously, not each one of them is the subject of an essay. These terms, in order, are an outline of everything we've done so far. A group of them might be the subject of an essay. Usually, you can't explain a single term without referring to the terms next to it. So, really, if you can say one or two things about each term and how it relates to the terms around it and fits into the larger issues and concepts related to terrorism, you're doing fine. Some terms, however, are filled with enough significance to be short answers/identifications on the test (four or five sentences), but you'll be able to figure out which ones.



The exam will consist of two parts:

Part One: 20 Multiple Choice Questions (4 points each -- 80 points):

Part Two: short essay: Chose 2 of 5 (10 points each)


 List of Terms:


Ford and Carter

Two incumbents beaten in a row

*The Problem

*Imperial Presidency


*No-win Presidency

*American people's feelings about Presidents

*New Media view of Presidents -- Woodward and Bernstein


*Rise of interest group power

*Congressional Power:

            *War Powers Resolution

            *Clark Amendment

            *Congressional Budget and Impoundment Act 1974

            *Goals of New Congress

*Ethics and Special prosecutor

1976 election

Carter campaign themes



Carter's theory of Governing

            Politics vs. what is right

            Trusteeship Presidency

            Carter's idea vs. LBJ model

Alienating the Democrats in Congress

Economic Problems

Crisis of Confidence speech

Iran Hostage Crisis

Carter's misunderstanding of leadership

A Crisis of Leadership?

            What this implies about US people and the Post-Watergate Presidency? -- Bring back FDR?


Reagan's past

Reagan (conservative wing) vs. Bush (moderate wing) in New Hampshire

Landslide over Carter

Reagan as Republican FDR -- confidence, hope, leadership

Reagan Beliefs (four priorities)

Reagan economic philosophy

*Criticism of the New Deal and Great Society

Principles of Reaganomics

            Government vs. the Market

            Return to laissez-faire; rejection of Keynes

Supply-side economics

The Reagan revolution

The impact of the tax cuts, but continued government spending

Reagan and US political spectrum

*Reagan realignment

*Reagan Coalition

*Undoing the New Deal and Great Society


Reagan management style

Spokesmodel Presidency/Reagan as actor portraying the president

Overall policy guidance

The Troika:

            Edwin Meese and his role

            James Baker and his role

            Michael Deaver and his role

Reagan and the media

The Teflon President

            Reagan’s slight reality problem

Popularity of Reagan vs. Popularity of his policies


Reagan political strategy


Going Public

Elements of Reagan Media Strategy:

            Bully Pulpit

            Stage Events in controlled settings

            Feed the Media

            Consistency of message -- Line of the Day/Sound Bites

            Selling the President

            Popularity = Power


BUSH 41:

Bush as Insider

*Small “c” vs. capital “C” conservatives

Bush and party loyalty

"The Vision Thing"

Bush history:      

            Moderate Republican

            Appointed jobs for Republican party -- loyalty

1988: No New Taxes

1990: Budget Deal

1992: a mistake to raise taxes

*Gulf War

Rally-round-the-flag-effect in Bush popularity

Wasting opportunities after the Gulf

Bush and failure to remake the party

Bush and leadership