Review Two

POLI 308

Summer 2015

Jeri Newmann


This looks big, but don't worry.  If you have come to class and done all the reading, nothing here should be new to you.

            Also, though there are a lot of terms, obviously, not each one of them is the subject of an essay. These terms, in order, are an outline of everything we've done so far. A group of them might be the subject of an essay. Usually, you can't explain a single term without referring to the terms next to it. So, really, if you can say one or two things about each term and how it relates to the terms around it and fits into the larger issues and concepts related to terrorism, you're doing fine. Some terms, however, are filled with enough significance to be short answers/identifications on the test (four or five sentences), but you'll be able to figure out which ones.



The exam will consist of two parts:

Part One: 20 Multiple Choice Questions (4 points each -- 80 points):

Part Two: short essay: Chose 2 of 5 (10 points each)




The Modern Presidency:

1789-1933: First Republic of US?

1933-Present: Second Republic of US?

FDR and the New Deal: A new philosophy of Government


*Hoover and the politics of disjunction

*FDR and the politics of reconstruction


*The Depression

*Hoover's ideas about Depression and his solutions

*FDR's ideas on the Depression

FDR rhetoric

Election of 1932


Theories of the Governmental Role in the Economy:

1. Classical Liberalism

2. Modern Liberalism



FDR's New Deal:

1. Government Role in the Economy:

·         *patronage

1.     Government creating jobs (some of the programs)

·         *regulatory policy

1.     *NIRA (National Industrial Recovery Act and National Recovery Administration)

·         *redistributive policy

1.     *Social security

2. President's Role:


3. Enlargement of Federal Government

            White House Office

            Executive Office of the President

            "Presidential Branch"

4. Precedents and Expectations

            100 Days

            Federal Government as Provider of Services

5. Electoral realignment

The New Deal Coalition


*FDR's leadership and bringing hope to the US people

*FDR's Character and Life

*Criticism of New Deal

            *critics accusing New Deal of being socialism


Harry Truman and Agenda Setting:

Truman Doctrine: Setting the post-war foreign policy agenda

Creating a consensus: Truman Doctrine speech

His success


22nd Amendment

Candidate-centered politics in presidential elections 

            Eisenhower anted by both Democrats and Republicans for 1952


Eisenhower as the Father of Presidential Management:

Eisenhower's Legacy: Managing the Federal Government

Organizations are:

Can you get the Federal Government to operate in a unified manner?

Eisenhower's answer:


Ike's management of the presidency:

1. Delegation

            President's role

            Cabinet Secretaries role

2. Interagency process--institutionalizing coordination

3. Staff System

            Sherman Adams' role