Links to Sources on the Presidency

(This is only a very small fraction of the things that are out there.  But these are sources that you might find useful.)



Official Sites (governmental and institutional)


The White House (The official government page)


The Executive Office of the President


Republican National Committee


Democratic National Committee


Presidential Libraries


Statistical Abstract of the United States (US census Bureau compilation of statistics on social and economic conditions in the US


Public Papers of the Presidents of the US (official compilation of presidential documents and speeches)


Foreign Relations of the United States (State Department archive of declassified documents on US foreign relations)






White House Presidents Page


Miller Center: US Presidents


Library of Congress: Web Resources


American Presidency Project (Historical speeches and other documentary resources)


White House Historical Association


Executive Orders (from the American Presidency Project)


Presidential Directives (collection of unclassified or declassified national security directives)


Resources on the Presidents (Thanks to Matt and LouAnne Taylor)





Politics and Elections

National Archives and Records Administration info on the electoral college


Federal Election Commission


Commission on Presidential Debates (non-partisan organization that sponsors presidential debates)


President Elect (history of the electoral college)


Democracy in Action page – George Washington University (scholarly tracking of the presidential race)


Center for Responsive Politics (analysis of the fundraising issues and who is collecting what money from whom)


Center for Public Integrity (non-profit group that tracks lobbying and campaign fundraising)


Public Citizen’s 527 page (also tracks fundraising by 527 non-profit political organizations)


Campaigns and Elections (Congressional Quarterly’s campaign magazine)


Yahoo Directory on Elections


Yahoo Directory on the 2004 Election


Dave Leip’s Atlas of US Presidential Elections (super data on voting and outcomes; the best easy to use source for this nationwide and state by state).


Electoral College charts (private site that has great charts)


Real Clear Politics (tracks all elections and key issues at state and federal level; an archive of info from all kinds of sources)


Politics1 (tracks election races around the nation; the advertisements make it look like it leans to the liberal side, but it is pretty non-partisan in its articles.  It has some good stuff, but also tracks weirdness in politics.  Scroll down the right side of the page and there are links to Blogs from right, center, and left)





Scholarly and Non-Profit


Yahoo Directory of Presidential Websites


Center for the Study of the Presidency (scholarly organization devoted to presidential studies)


Concord Coalition (non-partisan organization that tracks government spending, the federal deficit, and the national debt)


Center for Budget and Policy Priorities (scholarly and non-partisan organization that tracks government spending, the federal deficit, and the national debt)


Presidential Web Sites (sponsored by several universities and some non-profits, has links to presidential libraries and web sites on all presidents)


US Presidency links (Phenomenal resource; Prof. Russell Renka’s page (Southeast Missouri State University).


Biographies of Presidents (from Parker/Waichman Law Firm. Thanks to the Girl Scouts!)


A Kid's Local Internet Guide to Presidents (a web site constructed by local elementary students with information on each President).





Legislation and Policy


US House of Representatives


US Senate


Thomas (Library of Congress’ page that tracks legislation)


Congressional Quarterly Weekly (journal that tracks what goes on in congress, bill by bill, vote by vote; this is one of the magazines that members of congress read)


US Supreme Court home page


Legal Information Institute (compendium of Supreme Court decisions)


Government Accountability Office (GAO -- had been the General Accounting Office – congressional bipartisan arm that examines every policy with regards to implementation and costs.  The basic governmental arm for program evaluation)


Congressional Budget Office (CBO -- bipartisan congressional arm that examines the federal budget proposals of congress and the president)


Congressional Research Service (CRS) sites

Marian Gould Gallagher Library at University of Washington School of Law page on CRS (indexes and lots of links; the biggest source for CRS reports)

            Non-governmental organization search page

            CRS reports on defense and national security (Federation of American Scientists)

            CRS reports on foreign policy compiled by the US State Department

Center for Democracy and Technology, Open CRS page (Non-profit organization’s page that is attempting to lobby congress to get CRS reports made available to the public; all the links above on CRS are pdf files of CRS reports that have been given to these non-profit organizations by members of congress, even though they are officially barred from doing so.  This page also has links to CRS reports)