Links to sources on the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region

Media and Newspapers

  • Inside China (independent news on China, published by the European Internet Network)
  • China News Digest (independent news organization that compiles news on China from many sources; was the best daily news source on what is going on in China; now a bit too commercial)
  • South China Morning Post (the best English language daily newspaper in Hong Kong; still an independent newspaper to a certain extent, but it can be influenced by Chinese and Hong Kong governments. Their best political reporter on China, Willy Wo Lap Lam, was fired for being too critical of the Communist party)
  • The Standard (also an excellent free and independent newspaper out of Hong Kong)
  • China Top News (In Chinese; English button currently links you to Gergetown University Center for Strategic and International Studies newsletter)
  • Lateline News (compilation of news stories on China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong)
  • Hong Kong News Net (compilation of news on China and HK)
  • Apple Daily (independent tabloid newspaper in Hong Kong -- flashy, sensationalized, with good investigative reporting. In Chinese only as of now)

        Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government Home Page

        Executive Council (Exco, Cabinet)

        Legislative Council (Legco, Legislature)


Political Parties
    Democratic Party (the main pro-democracy party)

        The Frontier (a small pro-democracy party)

        Liberal Party (a pro-business party, meaning it leans toward stability, not democratic change)

        Democratic Alliance for the Betterment of Hong Kong (DAB) (pro-Beijing)

        Martin Lee's home page (The leader of the Democratic Party and advocate for democracy))
        Emily Lau's home page (The leader of the Frontier and advocate for democracy)