@inproceedings{Cheng:2009:ICDCW, author = {Cheng, Wei and Thaeler, Andrew and Cheng, Xiuzhen and Liu, Fang and Lu, Xicheng and Lu, Zexin}, title = {Time-Synchronization Free Localization in Large Scale Underwater Acoustic Sensor Networks}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2009 29th IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems Workshops}, series = {ICDCSW '09}, year = {2009}, isbn = {978-0-7695-3660-6}, pages = {80--87}, numpages = {8}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/ICDCSW.2009.79}, doi = {10.1109/ICDCSW.2009.79}, acmid = {1584659}, publisher = {IEEE Computer Society}, address = {Montreal Canada}, keywords = {Underwater acoustic sensor networks, localization, navigation, time-synchronization free, projection, underwater positioning}, }