Wonders of Technology
- PHYS 107
Spring 2008
VCU Honor System
Please read the
VCU Honor System statement located at:
Clear and
convincing evidence of honor system violations in this class will result
in the submission of formal written charges to the Office of Judicial
Affairs & Academic Integrity. Under these circumstances the instructor
does not give warnings or ask students for explanations.
Accommodations for the Disabled
The Americans
with Disabilities Act of 1990 requires VCU to provide an "academic
adjustment" and/or a "reasonable accommodation" to any individual who
advises us of a physical or mental disability. If you have a disability
that requires an academic adjustment or accommodation, please arrange a
meeting with the instructor as soon as possible. Additionally, if your
course work requires you to work in a lab environment, you should advise
the instructor or department chairperson of any concerns you may have
regarding safety issues related to your limitation(s). Please contact
the appropriate Coordinator of Service for Students with Disabilities to
obtain an official memo detailing the academic adjustments or
accommodations which you need.
Student Conduct
Students should
familiarize themselves with the guidelines for appropriate student
conduct as outlined in the VCU 2006-2007 Resource Guide. During class it
is expected that inappropriate electronic devices (cell phones, pagers,
etc.) are turned off.
What to
Know and Do To Be Prepared for Emergencies at VCU
1. Sign up to
receive VCU text messaging alerts (http://www.vcu.edu/alert/notify).
Keep your information up-to-date.
2. Know the safe
evacuation route from each of your classrooms. Emergency evacuation
routes are posted in on-campus classrooms.
3. Listen for and
follow instructions from VCU or other designated authorities.
4. Know where to
go for additional emergency information (http://www.vcu.edu/alert).
5. Know the
emergency phone number for the VCU Police (828-1234). Report suspicious
activities and objects.