Introduction to Finite Mathematics
Math 105
Spring 2001
Tracks A, B
Copley 243

Instructor: Dr. Hammack Office hours:
Office: 238 Copley 8:30-10:00 Tuesday, Thursday;
Work: 752-7210 (and voice mail) 11:00-12:00 Monday, Wednesday, Friday;
Home: 353-8572 (before 9:30 p.m., please) and by appointment.

Text: Finite Mathematics, by Barnett, Ziegler and Byleen, Eighth Edition.

Finite mathematics encompasses a variety of topics which can be described, analyzed and solved with elementary algebra, set theory, and arithmetic. It is a large and multifaceted field with many applications. This course is intended to acquaint you with a few of its more commonly used techniques and ideas, and to give you an appreciation for its uses.

The primary purpose of this course is to improve your analytical and problem-solving skills. If you do well in this course, you have a proven ability to think logically, and analyze and solve quantitative problems. This ability is useful in academic and professional work, and is highly valued by employers.

Material from Chapters 4, 5, 6, 8 and 9 of the text is covered.

Homework: Frequent homework assignments are collected, graded and returned. These assignments are important for two reasons. First, they help you understand the material and keep you from getting behind. Second, they give you valuable practice in communicating your ideas. Effective communication is a cornerstone of Randolph-Macon's mission statement and is taken seriously in this course.

In addition to the work you hand in, you should work lots of extra problems for practice.

Tests: There are two in-class tests, tentatively scheduled as follows:
Test #1: Wednesday, March 21............................ Chapters 4, 5
Test #2: Wednesday, April 25 ............................. Chapter 6
These are closed-book and closed-notes tests. They are written under the assumption that everyone is studying the material at least 7 hours per week outside of class.

Final Exam: The Final exam is comprehensive, covering material from Chapters 4, 5, 6, 8, and 9. The schedule is as follows.
A-Track: Wednesday, May 23, 2:00--5:00 B-Track: Friday, May 25, 8:30--11:30 AM
You have the option of taking either the A-Track or B-Track exam. However, please clear it with me if you want to take the exam in the track that you are not enrolled in. Space may be limited.

Make-up Tests: If a test is missed due to a documented illness or emergency, then either a make-up test is scheduled, or that test grade is dropped. An unexcused absence from a test results in a grade of zero. However, the final exam is mandatory, and a make-up final can be given only with the consent of the Dean of the College.

Grading: The 10-point grading scale will be used:
A: 90-100
B: 80-89
C: 70-79
D: 60-69
F: 0-59
Your final average will be computed as follows:
Homework: 20%
Test #1: 25%
Test #2: 25%
Final Exam: 30%
Total: 100%
Attendance: I do not take attendance, but I do notice if you are not attending class. If your grades are high, I do not mind if you miss class. However, if your grades are low and you miss a lot of class, I will notify the Dean of Students.

As a matter of courtesy, you should arrive punctually and stay for the entire duration of each class you attend. Please inform me ahead of time if you must leave early.

Internet: I maintain a Web page for this course. To find it, go to my home page ( and click on "Math 105." There you will find the syllabus, homework assignments, a calendar, copies of old tests, and solutions to the homework problems.

Office: Please feel free to stop by my office whenever you have a question, or if you just want to chat. If my posted hours are inconvenient I will be happy to schedule an appointment.

Tell me if you are having trouble. Catching up can be very difficult once you get behind, so let me know as soon as you think there is a problem.

Tips for success: Here are some guidelines for success in Finite Math. Nearly every F that I have given in this course has been the result of negligence of one or more of these simple principles.

Notice: The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and other Federal laws require Randolph-Macon College to provide a "reasonable accommodation" to any individual who advises us of a physical, psychological, or learning disability. If you have a physical, psychological, or learning disability that requires an accommodation, you must first register with the Office for Disability Support Services, located in the Higgins Academic Center.