
You should work as many of the following exercises as you can for practice. Answers to many of them can be found in the back of the book. Feel free to ask me if you are not sure how to proceed with any of these and I will be happy to give you a hint or suggestion. Test and exam questions will be of the type listed here. This list will be updated throughout the semester.

§2.4: 7, 9, 15, 23 (For number 7, see the similar example done on the first day of class.) Exercises 2.4
§3.6: 1–38 Exercises 3.6
§5.8: 1–25, 34–38, 41, 42 Exercises 5.8
§6.6: 1–30 Exercises 6.6
§7.8: 1–3, 6, 7, 9–16, 18–33, 35–41 Exercises 7.8
§8.5: 1–5, 6–13, 15–29 Exercises 8.5

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