Changes and Cancellations

Please note that this site collects information from several different clubs in this area. The volunteers who run these clubs do not always keep us posted on updates and changes. Before you act on information that you find here, it is very important to check the "Last Reviewed" or "Last Change" date on the page you are looking at. Every page on this website has such a date. If the information about an event is old, check it with someone in the sponsoring club.

Be sure to use the "Refresh" button on your web browser to force it to load the latest version of each page from the server. Otherwise, you may be looking at an out-of-date copy kept on your own computer or possibly even cached somewhere else on the web.

By the way, if you are using Internet Explorer Version 7, the "Refresh" button got moved to an absurd spot at the far right side of the location box at the top of the page.

RSARDA Home Page

Last Change: August 23, 2007