Do quiz questions count towards our grade if we give the wrong answers?

No. If you give the wrong answer, you do not get any "being-there" credit.

In this course, the "clicker quizzes" are not meant to be just attendance-taking devices. I do not even require your attendance! Your quiz average is supposed to represent your mental presence. All of the quiz questions that might be asked are posted on the course website, along with the answers and explanations of the answers. I want you to look at those before class. If you do that, you will get the questions right when I ask them. If you do answer a question wrong, you have an immediate topic for a question to ask on the discussion forum and will be able to get those quiz points back.

Remember to discuss your quiz answers with your neighbors. If you do only that (and also exercise good judgement about who to believe), you will get most of the answers right.

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