05. Gupta, Ram B.; Han, Chae J.; Johnston, Keith P.  Recovery of proteins and amino acids from reverse micelles by dehydration with molecular sieves.    Biotechnol. Bioeng.  (1994),  44(7),  830-6.


A new method is presented to ppt. proteins and amino acids from reverse micelles by dehydrating the micelles with mol. sieves.  Nearly complete pptn. is demonstrated for a-chymotrypsin, cytochrome c, and tryptophan from 2-ethylhexyl sodium sulfosuccinate (AOT)/isoctane/water reverse micelle solns.  The products ppt. as a solid powder, which is relatively free of surfactant.  The method does not require any manipulation of pH, ionic strength, temp., pressure, or solvent compn., and is applicable over a broad range of these properties.  This general approach is compared with other techniques for the recovery of biomols. from reverse micelles.


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