02. Gupta, Ram B.; Panayiotou, Constantinos G.; Sanchez, Isaac C.; Johnston, Keith P.  Theory of hydrogen bonding in supercritical fluids.    AIChE J.  (1992), 38(8), 1243-53.


The degree of hydrogen bonding and macroscopic thermodn. properties for pure and mixed fluids are predicted with the hydrogen bonding lattice fluid (LFHB) equation of state over a wide range in d. encompassing the gas, liq. and supercrit. states.  The model is successful for mols. forming complex self-assocd. networks, in this case pure methanol, ethanol, and water, and the mixt. 1-hexanol-SF6.  In supercrit. water, significant hydrogen bonding is still present despite all the thermal energy and is highly pressure- and temp.-dependent.  A fundamental description of pressure and temp. effects on hydrogen bonding is presented for a well-defined case, the formation of a complex between a donor and acceptor in an inert solvent, where no self-assocn. is present.  The partial molar enthalpy and vol. change on complexation both become pronounced near the crit. point, where the d. is highly variable with temp. and pressure.


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