My Publications
    Brief summary of my research to date pdf
  • R.A. Segal, R.F. Diegelmann, K.R. Ward, A. Reynolds "A Differential Equation Model of Collagen Accumulation in a Healing Wound" Bulletin of Mathematical Biology. 2012(74):2165-2182 pdf
  • R.A. Segal Air flow and particle deposition: Patterns in the diseased human lung. pdf
  • N.B. Menke, J.W. Cain, D.M. Chan, R.A. Segal, T.M. Witten, D.G. Bonchev, R.F. Diegelmann, K.R. Ward. An In Silico Approach to the Analysis of Acute Wound Healing. Wound Repair and Regeneration. 2010(18): 105-113.pdf
  • Garcia GJM, Schroeter JD, Segal RA, Stanek J, Foureman GL, Kimbell JS. Dosimetry of nasal uptake of water-soluble and reactive gases: A first study of inter-human variability. Inhalation Toxicology 2009(21): 607-618.pdf
  • R.A. Segal, G.M. Kepler and J.S. Kimbell Effects of Differences in Nasal Anatomy on Airflow Distribution: A Comparison of Four Individuals at Rest. Annals of Biomedical Engineering 2008.pdf
  • J.S. Kimbell, R.A. Segal, B Asgharian, B.A. Wong, J.D. Schroeter, J.P Southall, C.J. Dickens, G Brace, F.J. Miller. "Characterization of Deposition from Current Nasal Spray Devices Using a Computational Fluid Dynamics Model of the Human Nasal Passages." J. of Aerosol Medicine. 2007(20): 59-74.pdf
  • D. Wexler, R.A. Segal, J.S. Kimbell. "Aerodynamic effects of inferior turbinate reduction: Computational fluid dynamics simulation" Archives of Otolaryngology Hear & Neck Surgery. 2005(131): 1102-1107.pdf
  • R.A. Segal, J.M. Sheppard, J.S. Kimbell. "Using Fieldview to Locate the Nasal Valve in a CFD Model of the Human Nasal Passages" Fluent News 2003 (12):15.
  • T.B. Martonen, R.A. Segal, C.S. Kim, M. Shearer. "Computer Simulations of Particle Deposition in the Lungs of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Patients" Inhalation Toxicology 2002(14):705-720.pdf
  • Martonen, T. B., Musante, C. J., Segal, R. A., Schroeter, J. D., Hwang, D., Dolovich, M. A., Burton, R., Spencer, R. M., and Fleming, J. S. "Lung models: strengths and limitations" Respiratory Care 2000(45):712-736.pdf
  • X. Guan, R.A. Segal, M. Shearer, T.B. Martonen. "Mathematical Model of Airflow in the Lungs of Children II: Effects of Ventilatory Parameters" Journal of Theoretical Medicine. 2000(3):51-62.pdf
  • R.A. Segal, T.B. Martonen, C.S. Kim. 'Comparison of Computer Simulations and Human Data for Particle Deposition in Healthy Subjects' Journal of Air and Waste Management Association 2000(50):1262-1268.pdf
  • R.A. Segal, X. Guan, M. Shearer, T.B. Martonen. "Mathematical Model of Airflow in the Lungs of Children I: Effects of Tumor Sizes and Locations" Journal of Theoretical Medicine. 2000(2):199-213.pdf

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