Robert L. Andrews

Professor Emeritus, School of Business
Adjunct Faculty, Information Systems
Retired from Supply Chain Management & Analytics
Virginia Commonwealth University

PO BOX 84-4000
301 West Main Street
Richmond, VA 23284-4000

Email Address:

Track chair for Data, Analytics and Statistics Insruction (DASI), formerly Making Statistics More Effective in Schools of Business (MSMESB).
DASI sessions at DSI 2017 and DASI sessions at SEDSI 2018

Vice Chair, VCU Retired Faculty Council

Schedule for Spring 2020
INFO320-902 (39297), Spring 2019, 7 pm - 9:40 pm, Monday, Cabell Library B-042
No Required Textbook However, the course will follow the general outline of topics in Business Intelligence, Analytics, and Data Science byRamesh Sharda, Dursun Delen & Efraim Turban; 4th edition, Pearson Education (2018) ISBN-13: 9780134633282 from Prentice-Hall;
An E-Book is available through VitalSource ( for 180 Day Rental or for a lifetime access option.

VCU School of Business Mission
To be dynamic hub of business education and research, fueled by creativity and a commitment to preparing students to lead in a complex world.

Excel File for the MyStatLab Exercise for Process Stability (Assignment 1) (Excel XLSX file)
Excel File for the MyStatLab Exercise for Process Stability (Assignment 1) (Excel 1997-2003 XLS file)

Traffic delay data (Sharpe 3rd edition, chapter 18, problem 18) (Excel file with data and analysis)

U.S. Census Bureau Data (Excel 2007) (Excel 2007-2016 file for 2/7/08 download from
U.S. Census Bureau Data (Excel 2003) (Excel 1997-2003 file for 2/7/08 download from
U.S. Census Bureau Data (summary for states) (Excel 1997-2003 file extracted from the above with only DC and state summaries)
U.S. Census Bureau Data for Virginia localities (cities & counties) (Excel 2007-2013 file extracted from the file above)

Auto Online Excel file with Auto Online data (Excel 2007-2016 file)
Auto Online SPSS file with Auto Online data

Four-styles_Real_Estate_Sales (Excel file) Real Estate Sales Data, pg. 1353 of Applied Linear Stat. Models by Kutner, Nachtsheim, Neter & Li 5th edition
Four-styles_Real_Estate_Sales (JMP file) Real Estate Sales Data, pg. 1353 of Applied Linear Stat. Models by Kutner, Nachtsheim, Neter & Li 5th edition
Four-styles_Real_Estate_Sales (SPSS file) Real Estate Sales Data, pg. 1353 of Applied Linear Stat. Models by Kutner, Nachtsheim, Neter & Li 5th edition

Lecture Materials Webpage for the 1999 edition of the Canavos & Miller text

Bootstrap for mean of data set (Excel file)
Presentatiion for Pearson Teaching Business Statistics webinar (Excel file)
Excel 2010 statistical functions (Excel file)
Pivottable_studentfile_v2.xls (Excel 2003 document)
Revised Custer's Richmond area home prices, fall 2011 (Excel file)
Dr. Custer's Revised Richmond Area Home Prices, fall 2011 (SPSS file)
Dr. Custer's Credit Card Data, winter 2011 (Excel file)

Information for Microsoft Office (VCU Web page, free for qualified VCU students)
Information for JMP Pro for VCU students (VCU Web page, free for qualified VCU students)
Information for IBM SPSS for VCU students (VCU Web page, free for qualified VCU students)

Analytics Magazine Online

Current Activities
Research/Teaching Areas
Personal Interests

Current Activities

Bob is a long-standing member of the Decision Sciences Institute. He has been very active with organizing and leading sessions at DSI to improve analytics and statistics instruction within schools of business. He helped facilitate the cooperation between DSI and the Making Statistics More Effective in Schools of Business, MSMESB, group to start a DSI Specific Interest Group that has since changed its name to Data, Analytics and Statistics Insruction (DASI). This includes serving as trackchair/organizer for the MSMESB then DASI sessions for DSI 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018.
He has also served DSI in numerous capacities including three 2-year terms as a Vice President on the DSI Board and as chair of the Member Services Committee from April 2008 through March 2011. For the 2017-2018 year he co-chaired an ad hoc committee.

The picture to the left is of Bob, the Institute's former Executive Director Carol Latta and Barbara Price who was a fellow PhD student with Bob at Virginia Tech.

Bob with now Senator Mark Warner, picture taken when he was Governor and Bob was President of the Faculty Senate of Virginia . The Faculty Senate of Virginia represents faculty thoughout the Commonwealth of Virginia in both public and private institutions of higher education.
Bob has served as President (2004-06 academic years) and Immediate Past-President (2006-08 academic years) of the Faculty Senate of Virginia.

Bob with Business Analytics students after December 2012 exam.

Bob was instrumental in the formation of what now become a Masters in Decision Analytics and is standalone program. He served as the faculty advisor for the traditional track of the program for many years..

At the time of Bob's retirement he finished his last 3-year term (2012-2015) on the VCU Faculty Senate as an elected senator from the School of Business. He was president of the VCU Faculty Senate for the 2002-04 academic years. For the 2012-13 academic year Bob represented the Faculty Senate on the VCU University Council and served as chair of the Faculty Caucus of University Council and chair of the Committee on Faculty Affairs.

At the 2015 DSI meeting the DSI Specific Interest Group changed its name to Data, Analytics and Statistics Insruction (DASI) from Making Statistics More Effective in Schools of Business, MSMESB. For several years Bob has organized sessions for this SIG at the annual meetings of DSI and of the the SouthEast region of the Decision Sciences Institute (SEDSI),, including these sessions for 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018. He is also a former member of the SEDSI Council and received the SEDSI Distinguished Service Award in 2004.

Bob is a long time member of the Southeastern Chapter of InfORMS and participates at their annuual meeting in October.

Research/Teaching Areas

Applied Statistics
Decision Analysis
Quantitative Methods

Advanced Excel Class
Intermediate Excel Class

Personal Interests

International cookout at our house on Labor Day weekend 2017 with representative from 9 countries

International cookout at our house on Labor Day weekend 2016 with representative from 7 countries

Super Bowl 2016 with internationals at our house with representatives from four continents

International cookout at our house on Labor Day weekend 2013

A cookout with internationals at our house on Labor Day weekend 2011

My family (You would think I would find time to post more recent pictures since I am no longer employed full-time, maybe next year.)
Pictures from 2010
Pictures from 2009
Pictures from 2007
Pictures from 2006
Pictures from 2005
Pictures from 2004

Active member of the Decision Sciences Institute and the Data, Analytics and Statistics Instruction (formerly Making Statistics More Effective in Schools of Business) Specific Interest Group.
Also a member of the Southeast Decision Sciences Institute (Over many years Bob served in numerous elected positions. Current focus is on the Data, Analytics and Statistics Instruction sessions for the SEDSI meetings)

Christ Presbyterian Church ECO - Bob is an elder having previously served six years on the session and is beginning a new 3-year term in 2018.

Member of the Southeast Chapter of INFORMS

Former Player in the NBA (Noon Basketball Association of VCU faculty and staff). I was forced into retirement when the VCU athletic department found that is was no longer convenient to allow faculty to use the gym two days a week at lunch time.
Former faithful V.C.U. Basketball fan, from 1978 until the VCU athletic department locked the faculty out of the Franklin Street Gym in 2006 without even the courtesy of any explanation.

This page does not reflect an official position of Virginia Commonwealth University.

WWW Links of Interest

Analytics Magazine Online a bimonthly publication of The Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS)

Consortium for the Advancement of Undergraduate Statistics Education

Statistics Literacy Webpage authored by Milo Schield

Courses from Previous Semesters
MGMT302-01 (32080), Summer 2014, Monday through Thursday 10:30-12:45 p.m. , May 19 – June 19, 2014,Snead Hall B2113

SCMA 524-901 (32403), Fall 2017, 5:30 pm - 6:45 p.m. Monday & Wednesday, B2113 Snead Hall
SCMA 524-901 (32403), Fall 2014, 5:30 pm - 6:45 p.m. Monday & Wednesday, B2113 Snead Hall

SCMA 632-901 (34265), Fall 2016, 7 pm - 9:40 pm, Wednesday, Snead Hall B2113
SCMA 632-901 (32405), Fall 2014, 7-9:40 p.m. Wednesday, B2113 Snead Hall

DAPT 621-001 Met on fall 2014 weekends as designated on Blackboard
SCMA643-901 (34265), Spring 2018, 5:30 pm - 6:45 pm, Monday & Wednesday, Snead Hall B2177
SCMA 643-901 (34265), Spring 2017, 7 pm - 9:40 pm, Wednesday, Snead Hall B2113
SCMA 643-901 (34265), Spring 2016, 7 pm - 9:40 pm, Wednesday, Snead Hall B2113
SCMA 643-901 (31571), Spring 2015, 5:30 pm - 6:45 pm, Monday & Wednesday, Snead Hall B2113

SCMA648-901 (32156), Spring 2015, 9:00 pm - 9:40 pm, Monday, Snead Hall B3207

DAPT 622-001 (32582) Spring 2015, Met on weekends as designated on Blackboard

Page last updated December 12, 2019 by Robert Andrews

This page does not reflect an official position of Virginia Commonwealth University.