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Dr. Samy El-Shall received the Virginia Commonwealth University Distinguished Scholarship Award at VCU’s 29th annual Opening Faculty Address and Convocation.

Read: The full report.

Watch: 2011 Convocation Ceremony Honors Outstanding Faculty

Dr. El-Shall Honored at VCU Convocation Ceremony

Congratulations to Dr. Abdel Rahman Soliman!

Abdel Rahman Soliman Receives Ph.D.

Congratulations to the newest graduate, Ahmed Hamid!

M. Samy El-Shall, Ph.D., professor of chemistry and physical engineering at Virginia Commonwealth University, is one of 13 research scientists and engineers selected nationwide as a 2012-2013 Jefferson Science Fellow at the U.S. Department of State.

Read: The full report.

Dr. El-Shall Appointed as Jefferson Science Fellow

Ahmed joined the El-Shall research group in the fall of 2007 and has been working in the area of cluster research.  Dr. Ahmed received his Ph.D. in physical chemistry in May 2012.  He will be continuing as a post-doctoral researcher with Dr. Graham Cooks at Purdue University. 

Two undergraduate students from Fudan University in China spend the summer researching in the El-Shall lab. 

Chemists from Fudan University

Dr. El-Shall Elected Fellow of the American Physical Society

M. Samy El-Shall was recently elected as a fellow of the American Physical Society. Fellowship in the American Physical Society is limited to no more than one half of one percent of the membership (of the society). Election to APS Fellowship is recognition of outstanding contributions to physics

Read: The Full Report.