CMSC 508 Project

Each team will be required to design a relational database. Implementation of some portion of the design on an actual database system will be required. A presentation of the project to the class will be required at the end of the semester.

Since each team will be designing their own database, I suggest that you start to think now about the database you would like to implement.


Database Project Proposal

The first step of your project is to describe the database you are going to design. To make the proposal you must provide the following information about the database:

- a description of the environment the database will be used in and the types of users it will support. This involves stating who will access the database and where they will access it from. Also clearly state the purpose of the database for each type of user. You should have at least 3 different types of users.

- a list of the entities that are to be contained in the database. Do not include attributes at this point. You should have between 5 and 8 entities. Entities are things about which you will store information in the database.

- a list of the operations to be performed to maintain the database. In other words, once the database is up and running, what activities will cause the data to be changed? I want a list of those activities (e.g. an order is recieved, a hotel reservation is made, a book is sold, a student registers for a course, ....)

- a list of 20 queries that could be asked of the database. The list should include queries from each of the user types you have identified. Try to choose queries that involve more than one entity. Note, queries retrieve information from the database. These queries should be asked in the form of a question. For example, what books sold more copies this month over last month? Please number your queries 1 to 20.

It is important that the database be complex enough to provide a challenge, but simple enough to be completed in a semester. For this reason, I retain the right to either add to or delete from your proposal. You MUST make a proposal by January 28. If you make it earlier it will give us a chance to negotiate on the complexity. If you wait until the deadline, you will have to accept the alterations I make. Also, the sooner you make your proposal, the sooner you can start on the design aspect. A final version (including all changes that I have asked you to make) of the proposal must be returned to me by February 4 so I can keep it on file for use in grading the later phases of the project. Failure to have a final version of the project proposal returned to me by the deadline will lead to your having 0% on all future project phases!!

As soon as you have an approved proposal, you may sign up for a presentation time. So do it early so you can have first choice.