CMSC 508
Project Phase 4 - Presentation

Rules for Presentation

- The presentation should last a minimum of 5 minutes and a maximum of 7 minutes. Points will be deducted for either falling short or going over the time limit. A very small portion of this time should be used for describing the content and application of your database.

- The presentation should describe some problem that arose during the development of your database. This problem could have occurred during any of the first three phases. You should outline the different options you thought of for solving the problem, and explain why you chose the option you did.

- Both members of the team must participate in the giving of the presentation. Separate grades will be given for "presentation style".


- I like the use of visual aids, but only to illustrate points not to act as notes. In other words, visual aids should be pictures, not text that you are going to read. Visual aids also include the use of the whiteboard. Be careful, writing on the whiteboard will slow you down considerably.

- Practice your presentation out loud before you give it in class. If you do this several times you will find that you can time it quite accurately. A portion of your presentation grade will be based on style of presentation as opposed to content. This means I will be evaluating the clarity with which you speak, the organization of the talk, and how much you fidget!

- When you first decide what you would like to do your presentation on, bring your idea to me. I can help you decide if it will be a good subject.

- I will be giving "bonus" points to those who participate when others are making presentations. In other words, asking good questions of others will benefit you. The "bonus" points will be used toward your presentation grade. Thus, you can shore up a poor presentation by actively participating at other times.

- See the accompanying evaluation sheet that I will use for your presentations.

Other Rules

The clock will start when you start to speak. It will stop at the end of your talk. After that you may take up to 3 questions from the class.

If you ask a question, you MUST preface it with your name to get credit (Sorry but I still haven't matched all the faces and names yet!).

Failing to attend class during the presentations will cause points to be deducted!


Evaluation Form

Names: _________________________ Time:_________




Points out of 5: _______ (one score for each team)


Presentation Style:



Points out of 3: _______   Points out of 3:______


Visual Aids:



Points out of 2:________ (one score for each team)


Points deducted for time: ________

Bonus for questions: ________  Bonus for questions: ______

Deduction for not attending: ___  Deduction for not attending:___

Total Score: __________   Total Score: _________