Below is a summary of our course policies. The full policies can be found in our course syllbus (available on Blackboard).
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Student Support Students and Military Service Technology
Conduct Attendance Safety
Honor Code    


  Grading and Assigned Work              

The full breakdown of how your grade will be calculated is available under the "Assignments" tab on Blackboard. There you will find grading requirements, details for every assignment, and submission links for each assignment.

Unless otherwise specified, assignments will be submitted online via Blackboard. Because assignments are submitted digitally I will check writing requirements using word count and not page length. Keep your papers the appropriate length. If you do not, know that no amount of font changing, margin adjusting, or letter re-spacing can help you.

Students are encouraged to see me at any timeto discuss their progress in class. Students wishing to discuss their grades should do so in a timely manner. I can't help you improve your grade the last week of the semester.

Our class will create a final portfolio of your work this fall. Failure to turn in an electronic “learning portfolio” of coursework at the end of the term will result in failure of the course. This is university policy, and non-negotiable.

Students must earn a D or higher to proceed from UNIV 111 to UNIV 112.

  Required Course Materials              

Hacker, Diana and Nancy Sommers. A Writer’s Reference (most recent edition).

Custom Reader: Evolving Ideas: Focused Inquiry, VCU 2013-2014 Edition.

Michael Moss - Salt Sugar Fat (2013 summer reading selection).

VCU email account/Blackboard account, each accessibly daily.

  Student Support              

VCU has a huge support structure,both academic and personal, to help you for your first year.  Let me know if, at any point or for any reason, you believe you need support, and we will find the resources you need.

Where applicable students should also notify Disability Support Services of any specific needs (especially related to learning needs).  The DSS office is located in the Student Commons, Room 102.  Their office number is 828-2253.  The coordinator is Joyce Knight.  You can find all the necessary information at their website.

The first year of school can be very stressful. VCU offers a wide support network through University Counseling Services. Do not hesitate to contact them (in addition to myself) to find out what services they have available for you.

See more student support programs at our Resources page.

  Support for Active Duty Students and Student Veterans          

I am a Green Zone volunteer at VCU, and I am very committed to helping our students who are either military veterans or active duty complete our course sequence successfully. If there is ever anything I can do to make our class for active duty or veteran military personnel, please let me know.

Military students may receive orders for short-term training or deployment. These students are asked to inform and present their orders to their professor(s). For further information on policies and procedures contact Military Services at 828-5993 or access the corresponding policies here and here.

  Technology in the Classroom            

Cell Phone and Laptop Policy: Generally I am quite welcoming toward technology in class. Don’t abuse it. Please turn your cell phones off when entering the classroom. I understand that there are occasional times when students need to be reached by phone-- for instance, if you have a job that requires you to be on-call or you are a parent with a sick child. If this is the case, please notify me as you enter the room at the start of class. When this is the case you should leave class to answer the phone.

I reserve the right to count disruptive cell phone use (texting, ringing) against attendance; students who text through a class will simply not be counted as present for the day. Never, under any circumstances, answer a cell phone in class.

Smart phones, tablets, and laptops are welcome when used for class purposes: notes, research, group work, etc. Social networking sites, email, etc. are not welcome in class. If you use these sites in class be aware of these things:

  • It is obvious when you are not engaged in class-related work. The back of your laptop screen does not hide what you are doing as well as you believe it does.

  • If you are on chatting, on a social site, or otherwise distracted by material related to something other than class I will call on you to participate mercilessly. This will not end when you minimize your browser or close your window. I reserve the right to call on you to participate until I feel you have been sufficiently shamed. In extreme cases I also reserve the right to ban your laptop.

VCU's full policy on email use is available here.

The VCU Mobile application is a valuable tool to get the latest VCU information on the go. The application contains helpful information including the VCU directory, events, course schedules, campus maps, athletics and general VCU news, emergency information, library resources, Blackboard and more. Click here to download the application on your smart phone or for more information.

  Classroom Conduct              

You and your classmates are responsible for one another in this class. Your conduct can make the classroom a valued place to engage in productive debate, or it can make the classroom a hostile place where no one really feels comfortable, or even free, to speak. Be mindful of the power you have in the classroom.  Because our class may discuss of sensitive or political issues, I ask the following of you:  

Listen others with a forgiving ear.  When another student says something that strikes you as misinformed or offensive try to respond kindly and productively.  Remember that it is often very difficult to say exactly what we mean. Give your classmates the benefit of the doubt, and help them find the language that accurately represents them as someone who does not wish to offend.  

Be open to the ways your classmates respond to what you have said. We are often unaware of how our words affect others. If you feel someone has misunderstood you, clarify your intent kindly, and with an awareness of others.  You have the right to be understood.  If at any point you feel deliberately attacked or uncomfortable in a class debate, let me know; when I am aware of how you feel I can better make the classroom comfortable.

I will try to set a standard of tolerance and respect in the classroom. If you ever feel I fail in this regard, please do let me know. We all rely on feedback from others, myself included.   

Any weapon or firearm (even if they are legally owned, licensed, and unloaded) is strictly forbidden on university property. Anyone in violation of this policy will be immediately reported to the VCU Police without question.

  Program Attendance Policy              
  • The instructor has the right to lower a student's final course grade as the sole result of his or her repeated absences and tardiness. A full scale of your grade balance and how attendance affects your grade can be found in the "Assignments" tab in Blackboard.
  • Being absent from class does not relieve students of responsibility for completing all course work by the scheduled due dates.
  • Students who miss more than 25% of the classes will automatically fail. In a MWF class, this is 11 or more absences.
  • There are no “excused” or “unexcused” absences. I will not take doctors' notes, court dates, or notes from parents into consideration when calculating your attendance grade. Budget your absences for times you will really need them.
  • While attendance is mandatory, students should not expect to do well simply by attending. Note that things like cell phone use in class can count against class participation and attendance. Read those policies carefully.

I keep and report daily attendance. You will receive an automated email each time you are absent. This email is also sent to your advisor. If you receive an email in error, please let me know immediately.

  Safety at VCU              

What to Know and Do To Be Prepared for Emergencies at VCU:
   1. Sign up to receive VCU text messaging alerts by clicking here. Keep your information up-to-date. Within the classroom, the professor will keep her phone on to receive any emergency transmissions.
   2. Know the safe evacuation route from each of your classrooms. Emergency evacuation routes are posted in on-campus classrooms.
   3. Listen for and follow instructions from VCU or other designated authorities. Within the classroom, follow your professor’s instructions.
   4. Know where to go for additional emergency information.VCU alerts can be found here.
   5. Know the emergency phone number for the VCU Police (828-1234). Report suspicious activities and objects.

  VCU's Honor Code              

By enrolling in my class you agree to adhere to VCU's honor system.  Students commonly note that the honor code states that you have not received help on an assignment, and ask how this applies to proofreading, peer edits, or use of programs like the Writing Center.  These avenues of assistance are sanctioned by myself and the university and do not violate the honor code, so long as you are clear about the assistance you receive.  If you are uncertain if something violates the honor code, just ask me--I'll let you know what is a problem and what isn't.  

Instances of intentional plagiarism will not be tolerated. I will hand all cases over to the honor council without question.  

Note that failure to cite your sources or use of public material without expressed permission of the author (photographs, etc.) is plagiarism. It is important to learn what constitutes a misuse of public material for two reasons:

1. You will be responsible for using materials in a legal manner at every job you will ever have.  Once you leave school the misuse of intellectual property constitutes a prosecutable offense.

2. You are yourself a creator of intellectual copyright and as such you have the right to know how your own materials can be used by others (not just papers, but things like the photos you post on social networking sites).

You can review VCU's Honor Policy in its entirety here (this link downloads the full document as a .pdf).


Image cropped from work by JR copyright 2006, all rights reserved.

questions, contact kreed at vcu dot edu