J Comprehensible Results

Journal of Comprehensible Results

Sanchez E, Bigbee J, Fobbs W, Robinson S, Sato-Bigbee C (2008)
Opioid Addiction and Pregnancy:Perinatal Exposure to Buprenorphine
Affects Myelination in the Developing Brain.
Glia 56:1010-1027

(Translated by Brenna Kent)

Experiment: Relative Levels of MAG-Fyn Interaction

One possible mechanism for how MAG alters myelination is through its interaction with the kinase Fyn. Fyn deficient mice were shown to have a decreased myelin basic protein content, so it may play a role in regulating myelination [15]. Again, this interaction is limited to the early stages of myelination[16], so MAG-Fyn interaction was only examined in 12 day old rats. The only significant change was an increase in the 0.3 mg/kg/day group. It is also possible that the lack of change in the 1 mg/kg/day group reflects the decrease in MAG levels that was also seen in the higher dosage treatment group.

There were no significant changes in the levels of Fyn. Because the levels of Fyn are not being altered, there must be a different explanation for the changes seen in the levels of MAG-Fyn interaction. Potentially, MAG has a higher chance of binding to Fyn when it is glycosylated.

Figure 6: Relative levels of MAG-Fyn Interaction The results of measuring the interaction of MAG and Fyn are shown above and expressed in comparison to the control group. A red start indicated a significant difference from the control group. These results were obtained by Coimmunoprecipitation

Adapted from "Opioid Addiction and Pregnancy:Perinatal Exposure to Buprenorphine Affects Myelination in the Developing Brain." by Sanchez E, Bigbee J, Fobbs W, Robinson S, Sato-Bigbee C, 2008, GLIA, 56, p. 1024. Copyright 2008 by Wiley-Liss, Inc.

Figure 7: Relative Levels of Fyn. The levels of Fyn did not change significantly in either of the treatment groups. These results were obtained by performing a Western Blot

Adapted from "Opioid Addiction and Pregnancy:Perinatal Exposure to Buprenorphine Affects Myelination in the Developing Brain." by Sanchez E, Bigbee J, Fobbs W, Robinson S, Sato-Bigbee C, 2008, GLIA, 56, p. 1024. Copyright 2008 by Wiley-Liss, Inc.