VCU Medical Physics -- J Siebers



Symposia Proceedings

1.      Siebers, J.V., Li, W, 2006 Fast Monte Carlo-based computation of a-Si EPID dose images for IMRT treatment fields, 9th International Meeting on Electronic Portal Imaging (EPI2K6), (Melbourne, Australia) 99-100.

2.      Capote-Noy, R., Jeraj, R., Ma, C., Rogers, D. W. O., Sanchez-Doblado, F., Sempau, J., Seutjens, J., & Siebers, J. V., "Phase-Space Database for External Beam Radiotherapy Summary Report of a Consultants' Meeting of the International Nuclear Data Committee," INDC (NDS)-0484 (2006).

3.      Docef A, Murphy MJ, Keall PJ, Siebers JV, Williamson JF. Deformed CT reconstruction from limited projection data. International Congress Series 2005; for publication

4.      Siebers, J. V., J. O. Kim, P. J. Keall, and R. Mohan 2002 Pre-treatment verification of IMRT fields using measured and Monte Carlo computed dose images, 7th International Workshop on Electronic Portal Imaging (EPI2K2), (Vancouver, British Columbia) 148-149

5.      Kim, J. O., J. V. Siebers, P. J. Keall, and R. Mohan 2002 A Monte Carlo model of an amorphous silicon flat panel imager for portal dose prediction, 7th International Workshop on Electronic Portal Imaging (EPI2K2), (Vancouver, British Columbia) 118-119

6.      Keall, P. J., J. V. Siebers, J. O. Kim, A. D. Todor, and R. Mohan 2002 Computing IMRT patient transit images using Monte Carlo, 7th International Workshop on Electronic Portal Imaging (EPI2K2), (Vancouver, British Columbia) 146-147

7.      Siebers J V 2001 Dose calculations for intensity modulated radiation therapy: Achieving accuracy in a timely fashion, 6th International Symposium on 3D Conformal Radiation Therapy and Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy, (Williamsburg, Virginia) 179-80

8.      Keall P J, Siebers J V, and Mohan R 2000 The impact of Monte Carlo dose calculations on treatment outcomes, XIII International Conference on the Use of Computers in Radiation Therapy, (Heidelberg, Germany) 425-427

9.      Siebers J V 2000 Application of Monte Carlo to Proton Beam Radiation Therapy, MC 2000: Advanced Monte Carlo for Radiation Physics, Particle Transport Simulation and Applications, (Lisbon, Portugal) 1051-1056

10.  Siebers J V, Keall P J, Arnfield M, Kim J O, and Mohan R 2000 Dynamic-MLC modeling for Monte Carlo dose calculations, XIII International Conference on the Use of Computers in Radiation Therapy, (Heidelberg, Germany) 455-457

11.  Siebers J V, Keall P J, Kim J O, and Mohan R 2000 Performance benchmarks of the MCV Monte Carlo system, XIII International Conference on the Use of Computers in Radiation Therapy, (Heidelberg, Germany) 129-131

12.  Siebers J V, Keall P J, and Mohan R 2000 The impact of Monte Carlo dose calculations on intensity modulated radiation therapy, MC 2000: Advanced Monte Carlo for Radiation Physics, Particle Transport Simulation and Applications, (Lisbon, Portugal) 203-210

13.  Siebers J V, 1994 Monte Carlo techniques for proton radiation therapy facilities, in Proceedings of the Workshop on Simulating Accelerator Radiation Environments, edited by A. Palounek (Los Alamos National Laboratory, Sante Fe, New Mexico), Vol. LA-12835-C