Raw read data are available at SRA under BioProject PRJNA267701.

We use the STIRRUPS pipeline described in the paper by Fettweis et al.

The assignment of each read is in AdditionalFile15.txt.bz2. These results are rolled up based on the STIRRUPS and RDP classification to produce AdditionalFile8.txt.

The Python script AdditionalFile9.py takes as input the file AdditionalFile8.txt and produces a table of above-threshold counts AdditionalFile10.csv and below-threshold counts AdditionalFile11.csv.

AdditionalFile2.csv contains the design. This file contains the design and accession numbers and may be useful as a key.

Place Additional Files 2, 8-11 in a single directory, and the following R code produces the results below.

system("python AdditionalFile9.py")

Load libraries.


Define column names.

organismsDesign <- c("Gvaginalis", "Avaginae", "Lcrispatus", "Liners", "Pbivia", "Samnii",
organismsResults <- c("Gardnerella.vaginalis", "Atopobium.vaginae", 
                      "Lactobacillus.crispatus_cluster", "Lactobacillus.iners", 
                      "Prevotella.bivia", "Sneathia.amnii", "Streptococcus.agalactiae")
organismsForPlots <- c("G. vaginalis", "A. vaginae", "L. crispatus", "L. iners", 
                       "P. bivia", "S. amnii", "S. agalactiae")

Genome size and copy numbers obtained from NCBI.

genomeSize <- c(1.65, 1.43, 2.04, 1.3, 2.47, 1.34, 2.2) 
copyNumbers <- c(2,1,4,1,1,1,7) 

Read above-threshold counts data. Remove last (blank) column.

countdata <- read.table("AdditionalFile10.csv", sep=",", header=TRUE, row.names=1, 
                        colClasses=c("character", rep("numeric", 46)))
countdata <- countdata[,-c(ncol(countdata))]
atOrganisms <- colnames(countdata)

Summarize the number of counts per sample.

atcounts <- apply(countdata,1,sum)
##    Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
##    4790   12200   14500   15300   17700   51600

Calculate the total number above-threshold reads.

## [1] 3668922

Read the below-threshold counts data.

btdata <- read.table("AdditionalFile11.csv", sep=",", header=TRUE, row.names=1)
btdata <- btdata[,-c(ncol(btdata))]
btOrganisms <- sub("BT","", colnames(btdata))

Parse the sample IDs to get the plate and barcode numbers.

m <-  regexec("([1-6])_([0-9]+)" , rownames(countdata))
matchlist <- regmatches(rownames(countdata), m)
matchlistmatrix <- matrix(unlist(matchlist), ncol=3, byrow=TRUE)
Plate <- as.numeric(matchlistmatrix[,2])
Barcode <- as.numeric(matchlistmatrix[,3])

Join above-threshold counts with plate and barcode numbers.

atdata <- data.frame(countdata, Plate, Barcode)
atdata <- atdata[order(Plate,Barcode),]

Join below-threshold counts with plate and barcode numbers.

btdata <- data.frame(btdata, Plate, Barcode)
btdata <- btdata[order(Plate, Barcode),]

Read in the design from AdditionalFile2.csv and merge with the above-threshold counts data.

design <- read.table("AdditionalFile2.csv", sep=",", header=TRUE, row.names=1,
                     colClasses = c(rep("character",2), rep("numeric",9)) )
alldata <- merge(design, atdata, by=c("Plate", "Barcode"), all=TRUE)
alldata[,4:ncol(alldata)] <- sapply(alldata[,4:ncol(alldata)], as.numeric)

Label each sample according to the experiment. Experiment 1 mixed equal numbers of cells, Experiment 2 mixed equal DNA, Experiment 3 mixed equal PCR product.

experiment <- numeric(nrow(alldata))
experiment[(alldata$Plate == 1) | (alldata$Plate == 2)] <- 1
experiment[(alldata$Plate == 3) | (alldata$Plate == 4)] <- 2
experiment[(alldata$Plate == 5) | (alldata$Plate == 6)] <- 3
experiment <- factor(experiment)

Get the number of above-threshold reads classified as belonging to taxa that were not in the study.

otherData <- alldata[,-match(c("Plate","Barcode","Experiment", 
                               organismsDesign, organismsResults), names(alldata))]
otherCounts <- apply(as.matrix(otherData),1,sum)
## [1] 733

Get the number of below-threshold reads classified as belonging to taxa not in the study.

allbtdata <- merge(btdata, atdata, by=c("Plate", "Barcode"), all=TRUE)
allbtdata <- sapply(allbtdata, as.numeric)
btexp1 <- allbtdata[(allbtdata[,"Plate"] == 1) | (allbtdata[,"Plate"] == 2),] 
btexp2 <- allbtdata[(allbtdata[,"Plate"] == 3) | (allbtdata[,"Plate"] == 4),] 
btexp3 <- allbtdata[(allbtdata[,"Plate"] == 5) | (allbtdata[,"Plate"] == 6),] 
totalcounts1 <- apply(btexp1,1,sum)
totalcounts2 <- apply(btexp2,1,sum)
totalcounts3 <- apply(btexp3,1,sum)
btCounts1 <- btexp1[,-match(names(atdata), colnames(btexp1))]
btCounts2 <- btexp2[,-match(names(atdata), colnames(btexp2))]
btCounts3 <- btexp3[,-match(names(atdata), colnames(btexp3))]
btResultsOrganisms <- paste(organismsResults, "BT", sep="")

btNotResultsCounts1 <- sum(btCounts1[,-match(btResultsOrganisms, colnames(btCounts1))])
btNotResultsCounts2 <- sum(btCounts2[,-match(btResultsOrganisms, colnames(btCounts2))])
btNotResultsCounts3 <- sum(btCounts3[,-match(btResultsOrganisms, colnames(btCounts3))])

btNotResultsCounts1 + btNotResultsCounts2 + btNotResultsCounts3
## [1] 2279

Get total number of reads (above- and below-threshold).

## [1] 3927760

Normalize the above-threshold data to proportions.

dataNorm <- data.frame(alldata[,c(organismsDesign, organismsResults)], otherCounts)
Normcounts <- apply(dataNorm[,c(organismsResults, "otherCounts")],1,sum)
classcounts <- Normcounts
dataNorm[,c(organismsResults, "otherCounts")] <- 
  dataNorm[,c(organismsResults, "otherCounts")]/Normcounts

Adjust counts data for copy number and genome size.

dataNorm[experiment == 1,organismsResults] <- 
  t(t(dataNorm[experiment == 1,organismsResults])/copyNumbers)
dataNorm[experiment == 2,organismsResults] <- 
  t(t(dataNorm[experiment == 2,organismsResults])*(genomeSize/copyNumbers))

Re-normalize to proportions.

Normcounts <- apply(dataNorm[,c(organismsResults, "otherCounts")],1,sum)
dataNorm[,c(organismsResults, "otherCounts")] <- 
  dataNorm[,c(organismsResults, "otherCounts")]/Normcounts

Summarize the proportion of above-threshold reads classified as belonging to taxa not in the study for each sample.

##     Min.  1st Qu.   Median     Mean  3rd Qu.     Max. 
## 0.000000 0.000000 0.000045 0.000356 0.000198 0.027200

Make a data frame for each experiment.

classcounts1 <- classcounts[experiment == 1]
classcounts2 <- classcounts[experiment == 2]
classcounts3 <- classcounts[experiment == 3]
exp1Norm <- dataNorm[experiment == 1,]
exp2Norm <- dataNorm[experiment == 2,]
exp3Norm <- dataNorm[experiment == 3,]

Re-order the rows according to the design.

classcounts1 <- classcounts1[with(exp1Norm, order(Gvaginalis, Avaginae, Lcrispatus, Liners, 
                                                  Pbivia, Samnii, GroupBStrep))]
classcounts2 <- classcounts2[with(exp2Norm, order(Gvaginalis, Avaginae, Lcrispatus, Liners, 
                                                  Pbivia, Samnii, GroupBStrep))]
classcounts3 <- classcounts3[with(exp3Norm, order(Gvaginalis, Avaginae, Lcrispatus, Liners, 
                                                  Pbivia, Samnii, GroupBStrep))]
exp1Norm <- exp1Norm[with(exp1Norm, order(Gvaginalis, Avaginae, Lcrispatus, Liners, 
                                          Pbivia, Samnii, GroupBStrep)),]
exp2Norm <- exp2Norm[with(exp2Norm, order(Gvaginalis, Avaginae, Lcrispatus, Liners, 
                                          Pbivia, Samnii, GroupBStrep)),]
exp3Norm <- exp3Norm[with(exp3Norm, order(Gvaginalis, Avaginae, Lcrispatus, Liners, 
                                          Pbivia, Samnii, GroupBStrep)),]

Plot of centroid for each experiment.

centroidPlotData <- rbind(c(rep(1/7,7),0), 
  exp1Norm[apply(exp1Norm[,organismsDesign] > 0,1,sum) == 7, c(organismsResults, "otherCounts")], 
  exp2Norm[apply(exp2Norm[,organismsDesign] > 0,1,sum) == 7,c(organismsResults, "otherCounts")],
  exp3Norm[apply(exp3Norm[,organismsDesign] > 0,1,sum) == 7,c(organismsResults, "otherCounts")])

mycolors <- c("red", "brown", "yellow", "lightblue", "green", "purple", "orange", "pink")

The observed proportions after mixing equal numbers of cells.

pie3D(as.numeric(100*centroidPlotData[2,1:7]), explode=0.1, col=mycolors[1:7],

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-24

The observed proportions after mixing equal amounts of DNA.

pie3D(as.numeric(100*centroidPlotData[4,1:7]), labels=organismsForPlots, 
      explode=0.1, col=mycolors)

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-25

The observed proportions after mixing equal amounts of PCR product.

pie3D(as.numeric(100*centroidPlotData[6,1:7]), labels=organismsForPlots, 
      explode=0.1, col=mycolors)

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-26

Plot of actual and observed proportions for each experiment for the samples mixing equal amounts of L. crispatus and S. agalactiae.

truth <- rep(0,length(organismsDesign)+1)
truth[c(organismsDesign,"other") == "GroupBStrep"] <- 0.5
truth[c(organismsDesign,"other") == "Lcrispatus"] <- 0.5
crispStrepPlotData <- rbind(truth, dataNorm[dataNorm$Lcrispatus == 0.5 
                  & dataNorm$GroupBStrep == 0.5,c(organismsResults, "otherCounts")])
crispStrepPlotData <- rbind(truth, 0.5*(crispStrepPlotData[2,] + crispStrepPlotData[3,]), 
                            0.5*(crispStrepPlotData[4,] + crispStrepPlotData[5,]), 
                            0.5*(crispStrepPlotData[6,] + crispStrepPlotData[7,]))
mysalabels <- c("Actual", "Exp. 1", "Exp. 2", "Exp. 3")
par(xpd=T, mar=c(5,4,4,10)+1.0)
barplot(100*t(crispStrepPlotData),ylim=c(0,100),col=mycolors, axisnames=TRUE, 
        names.arg=mysalabels, ylab="Percentage of Reads (%)")
legend(x=5,y=100, c(organismsForPlots, "Other"), fill=mycolors)

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-27

Box plot of bias at each step.

dnaExtDiff <- vector("list", 7)
pcrAmpDiff <- vector("list", 7)
seqClaDiff <- vector("list", 7)
totExpDiff <- vector("list", 7)
names(dnaExtDiff) <- organismsDesign
names(pcrAmpDiff) <- organismsDesign
names(seqClaDiff) <- organismsDesign
names(totExpDiff) <- organismsDesign
for (i in 1:length(organismsDesign)) {
 dnaExtDiff[[i]] <- 100*exp1Norm[exp1Norm[,i] != 0, i+7] - 100*exp2Norm[exp2Norm[,i] !=0, i+7]
 pcrAmpDiff[[i]] <- 100*exp2Norm[exp2Norm[,i] != 0, i+7] - 100*exp3Norm[exp3Norm[,i] !=0, i+7]
 seqClaDiff[[i]] <- 100*exp3Norm[exp3Norm[,i] != 0, i+7] - 100*exp3Norm[exp3Norm[,i] !=0, i]
 totExpDiff[[i]] <- 100*exp1Norm[exp1Norm[,i] != 0, i+7] - 100*exp1Norm[exp1Norm[,i] !=0, i]
expPlotData <- list(dnaExtDiff, pcrAmpDiff, seqClaDiff, totExpDiff)
names(expPlotData) <- c("DNA Extraction", "PCR Amplification",
                        "Sequencing\nand Classification","Total")

expBoxPlot <- ggplot(melt(expPlotData), aes(x=L2, y=value)) + geom_boxplot(aes(fill=L1))
expBoxPlot <- expBoxPlot +
       scale_x_discrete(breaks=c(organismsDesign), labels=organismsForPlots) +
       theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle=75, vjust=0.5, face="italic")) +
       ylab("Bias (% Difference)") +
       xlab("") +scale_fill_discrete(name="") 

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-28

Write data for JMP to build mixture models.

write(t(cbind(exp1Norm,classcounts1)),file="AdditionalFile12.txt", ncolumns=ncol(exp1Norm)+1)  
write(t(cbind(exp2Norm,classcounts2)),file="AdditionalFile13.txt", ncolumns=ncol(exp2Norm)+1) 
write(t(cbind(exp3Norm,classcounts3)),file="AdditionalFile14.txt", ncolumns=ncol(exp3Norm)+1)

Test if bias is significantly different from zero with bootstrap test.

paired <- function(x, data1)
 t <- (mean(data1[x])-mean(data1))/(sd(data1[x])/sqrt(length(data1[x])))

bootpaired <- function(data2)
 tdata <- mean(data2)/(sd(data2)/sqrt(length(data2)))
 mylist <- bootstrap(1:length(data2), num.boot, paired, data2)
 pval <- sum(mylist$thetastar > abs(tdata))/num.boot

dnaExt.pval <- cbind(melt(lapply(dnaExtDiff,mean)),melt(lapply(dnaExtDiff,bootpaired)))
pcrAmp.pval <- cbind(melt(lapply(pcrAmpDiff,mean)),melt(lapply(pcrAmpDiff,bootpaired)))
seqCla.pval <- cbind(melt(lapply(seqClaDiff,mean)),melt(lapply(seqClaDiff,bootpaired)))

Apply a Bonferoni correction.

dnaExt.pval.adj <- dnaExt.pval[,3]*7
pcrAmp.pval.adj <- pcrAmp.pval[,3]*7
seqCla.pval.adj <- seqCla.pval[,3]*7

names(dnaExt.pval.adj) <- organismsForPlots
names(pcrAmp.pval.adj) <- organismsForPlots
names(seqCla.pval.adj) <- organismsForPlots

Test if bias due to DNA extraction is significantly different from zero.

##  G. vaginalis    A. vaginae  L. crispatus      L. iners      P. bivia 
##        0.0154        0.0000        0.0000        0.0000        0.0000 
##      S. amnii S. agalactiae 
##        0.0042        0.0000

Test if bias due to PCR amplification is significantly different from zero.

##  G. vaginalis    A. vaginae  L. crispatus      L. iners      P. bivia 
##        0.0000        0.0791        0.0000        0.0000        1.1452 
##      S. amnii S. agalactiae 
##        0.0000        0.0000

Test if bias due to sequencing and classification is significantly different from zero.

##  G. vaginalis    A. vaginae  L. crispatus      L. iners      P. bivia 
##        0.0112        1.6058        0.0189        0.0098        0.8750 
##      S. amnii S. agalactiae 
##        0.0000        0.0238

Calculate and plot technical variation by calculating differences between replicate samples.

mspe <- function(x) {
 if (length(x) == 1) {
 } else {
   sum((x - mean(x))^2/length(x))  
techError <- function(x) {
 if (length(x) == 1) {
   NA } else {
   abs((x - mean(x)))
techVarExp1 <- aggregate(exp1Norm[,organismsResults],by=exp1Norm[,organismsDesign], 
techVarExp2 <- aggregate(exp2Norm[,organismsResults],by=exp2Norm[,organismsDesign], 
techVarExp3 <- aggregate(exp3Norm[,organismsResults],by=exp3Norm[,organismsDesign], 
techVarExp1Res <- techVarExp1[,organismsResults] 
techVarExp2Res <- techVarExp2[,organismsResults] 
techVarExp3Res <- techVarExp3[,organismsResults] 
techVarExp1Des <- techVarExp1[,organismsDesign] 
techVarExp2Des <- techVarExp2[,organismsDesign] 
techVarExp3Des <- techVarExp3[,organismsDesign] 
techVarExp1Res[techVarExp1Des == 0] <- NA
techVarExp2Res[techVarExp2Des == 0] <- NA
techVarExp3Res[techVarExp3Des == 0] <- NA
techVarExp1Res <- apply(techVarExp1Res,2,unlist)
techVarExp2Res <- apply(techVarExp2Res,2,unlist)
techVarExp3Res <- apply(techVarExp3Res,2,unlist)
techVarExp1Res <- sapply(techVarExp1Res,na.omit)
techVarExp2Res <- sapply(techVarExp2Res,na.omit)
techVarExp3Res <- sapply(techVarExp3Res,na.omit)
techPlotData <- list(techVarExp1Res, techVarExp2Res, techVarExp3Res)
names(techPlotData) <- c("Cells", "DNA", "PCR Product")
techBoxPlot <- ggplot(melt(techPlotData), aes(x=L2,y=value)) + geom_boxplot(aes(fill=L1))
techBoxPlot <- techBoxPlot + 
          scale_x_discrete(breaks=c(organismsResults), labels=organismsForPlots) +
          theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle=75, vjust=0.5, face="italic")) +
          ylab("Absolute Error") +
          xlab("") +

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-35

Plot observed proportions for samples from a human subject.

collectionDays <- c(0,195,213,155)
samplepH <- c("5.0","5.0","4.4","5.5")
dxclinician <- c("Bacterial Vaginosis", "Annual Exam", "Yeast Infection", "Annual Exam")
clinicalData <- matrix(
    0.06517691,0,0.1806327,0.07511737,0.04034761,0, 0.176227,0,0,0,0,25.7277,
colnames(clinicalData) <- c(organismsResults, "otherCol")
clinicalPlotData <- 100*clinicalData

mylabels <- paste(collectionDays, samplepH, dxclinician, sep="\n")
par(xpd=T, mar=c(5,4,4,10)+1.0)
barplot(t(clinicalPlotData), ylim=c(0,100), las=1, col=mycolors, axisnames=TRUE, 
        names.arg=mylabels, ylab="Percentage of Reads (%)", cex.names=0.6, mgp=c(4,3,0))
legend(x=5,y=100, c(organismsForPlots, "Other"), fill=mycolors)

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-36

Prepare data for predictive models by adjusting for copy number.

clinicalPredData <- as.matrix(clinicalData[,1:7])
clinicalPredData <- t(t(clinicalPredData)/copyNumbers)
clinicalPredData <- clinicalPredData/apply(clinicalPredData,1,sum)
clinicalPredData <- data.frame(clinicalPredData)

Use random forests to build models predicting the scaling factor to apply to observed proportions to get the actual proportions in the mock communities.

train <- exp1Norm[,8:14]
resp <- exp1Norm[,1:7]

scaledf <- resp/train

train1 <- train
scaledf1 <- scaledf[,1]
train2 <- train
scaledf2 <- scaledf[,2]
train3 <- train
scaledf3 <- scaledf[,3]
train4 <- train
scaledf4 <- scaledf[,4]
train5 <- train
scaledf5 <- scaledf[,5]
train6 <- train
scaledf6 <- scaledf[,6]
train7 <- train
scaledf7 <- scaledf[,7]

myrf1 <- randomForest(x=train1,y=scaledf1,ntree=1000)
myrf2 <- randomForest(x=train2,y=scaledf2,ntree=1000)
myrf3 <- randomForest(x=train3,y=scaledf3,ntree=1000)
myrf4 <- randomForest(x=train4,y=scaledf4,ntree=1000)
myrf5 <- randomForest(x=train5,y=scaledf5,ntree=1000)
myrf6 <- randomForest(x=train6,y=scaledf6,ntree=1000)
myrf7 <- randomForest(x=train7,y=scaledf7,ntree=1000)

Apply the models to the clinical samples.

names(clinicalPredData) <- names(train)

mypreds1 <- predict(myrf1,clinicalPredData)
mypreds2 <- predict(myrf2,clinicalPredData)
mypreds3 <- predict(myrf3,clinicalPredData)
mypreds4 <- predict(myrf4,clinicalPredData)
mypreds5 <- predict(myrf5,clinicalPredData)
mypreds6 <- predict(myrf6,clinicalPredData)
mypreds7 <- predict(myrf7,clinicalPredData)
preds1 <- data.frame(V1pred= mypreds1, V2pred= mypreds2,V3pred = mypreds3,
                     V4pred = mypreds4,V5pred = mypreds5, V6pred=mypreds6,V7pred=mypreds7)
preds1 <- preds1*(clinicalPredData*(clinicalPredData>.001))
clinicalPredicted <- t(apply(preds1,1,function(x){x<-x/sum(x)}))
##   V1pred V2pred V3pred V4pred V5pred V6pred V7pred
## 1 0.9302 0.0000      0 0.0698      0      0      0
## 2 0.7999 0.1998      0 0.0003      0      0      0
## 3 0.2005 0.0000      0 0.7995      0      0      0
## 4 0.8723 0.1049      0 0.0227      0      0      0

Plot predicted clinical values.

clinicalPredicted <- 100*clinicalPredicted*(1-clinicalData[,8])
clinicalPredicted <- data.frame(clinicalPredicted, 100*clinicalData[,8])
par(xpd=T, mar=c(5,4,4,10)+1.0)
barplot(t(clinicalPredicted), ylim=c(0,100), las=1, col=mycolors, 
        axisnames=TRUE, ylab="Percentage of Reads (%)", names.arg=mylabels, 
        mgp=c(4,3,0), cex.names=0.6)
legend(x=5,y=100, c(organismsForPlots, "Other"), fill=mycolors)

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-40