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Test #2 (Spring, 2005)


Name:_______________________________                                      SSN:____________________________________


     You have 75 minutes to complete this test. Each of the objective questions has one best response. You may guess on this test.  If you are not sure of the correct answer for a multiple choice question, eliminate the responses you know to be incor­rect and choose among the remaining alterna­tives.  This test also contains True/False questions.  Fill in the “A” bubble for a “True” and the “B” bubble for “False.”  You will not be penalized for guess­ing.  Be sure to record your answers carefully on the NCS ANSWER SHEET.  When you are done, pledge your work-- "On my honor, I have neither given nor re­ceived aid on this test." Signing here indicates that you have pledged this test________________________________________________________ Turn in this test with your answer sheet.


Chapter 8:  (Sexuality)


)1.          Biff does not feel sexually attracted to either men or women. Therefore, according to the text, Biff would be considered __________ sexual.


a.            hetero-                  b.            bi-          c.            a-                           d.            homo-


2.            According to the text, __________ refers to the biological distinction between females and males.


               a.            gender                   b.            sex         c.            androgyny             d.            genetics


3.            The film, “Still Killing Us Softly,” that was viewed in class addressed the issue of ____________.


               a.            quid pro quo sexual harassment in the work place

               b.            the attempts of a gay couple to get married in Connecticut

               c.            child pornography

               d.            the portrayal of women in advertising


4.            The first state in the Union to abolish slavery established legally recognized civil unions for same sex couples in July, 2000.  This state was __________.


a.   Connecticut                   b.   Vermont                        c.   Massachusetts                             d.   Maine


5.            According to the text, among the Chukchee Eskimos of Siberia, a man may take on the role known as a __________, dressing and acting like a Chukchee woman, doing women’s work and perhaps even marrying another man.


a.            androgyne        b.            estrogyne          c.            berdache           d.            “womanly-hearted man”


6.            In what state are homosexual marriages legally recognized?


a.            California                            b.            Vermont                              c.            Massachusetts                    d.            Maine


7.            T/F         According to the text, 85 percent of all sexual harassment consists of men harassing women.                    


8.            T/F         According to the text, Canada provides “full legal marriage rights to gays and lesbians.”    


9.            T/F         Beginning in the mid 1800s, the American Medical Association lobbied to make abortion legal in the United States. 


10.          T/F         Prostitution is illegal everywhere in the United States. 

Chapter 13:  (Family Life)


11.          In class, when addressing the phenomena of “Civil solidarity Pacts in France” and the practice of “Temporary Marriage” in Iran it was pointed out that__________.


a.            both countries were attempting to provide an avenue for homosexuals to have legally recognized unions.

b.            Iran was actually ahead of France in recognizing gay unions—an unusual stand for an Islamic Republic to take.

c.            they are relatively unpopular and few people utilize them.

d.            regardless of their purpose, heterosexuals were taking advantage of these institutions in both countries


12.          According to the text and lecture, approximately __________ percent of all children will make it to adulthood (age 18) with their parents’ marriage intact.


               a.            33                          b.            50                          c.            66                          d.            75


13.          A(n) _______________family is one in which children have parents (or a parent) plus grandparents (or a grandparent, uncle, or aunt) living with them in the same household.


               a.            blended                 b.            nuclear                  c.            extended                              d.               tribal


14.          In class, the “National Family Wars” was addressed.  In this controversial debate over what constitutes a family, the U.S. Congress weighed in with the following definition through its legislation, the 1996 Defense of Family Act.  Congress defines “family” as “__________.”


               a.            two or more people related by birth, marriage, or adoption, who are living together         

b.            a married unit of one man and one woman

c.            a kinship unit of two or more people who live in the same household and are legally or biologically related to one another

d.            a social institution that unites individuals into cooperative groups, that care for members, regulate sexual relations, and over see the bearing and raising of children


15.          Which theoretical perspective sees family as an instrument of oppression and sexual inequality?


               a.     Functionalism             b.     Conflict Theory          c.     Interactionism            d.     Exchange Theory


16.          T/F         Despite the high levels of divorce today marital breakage rates in 1900 were about as high as they are today, according to lecture      


17.          T/F         Rich people are more likely to divorce than poor people.    


18.          T/F         Hispanics and Asians are more likely to divorce than non-Hispanic Whites. 


19.          T/F         Even with better data collection today, it is difficult to say with certainty that family abuse is worse today than it was in the 19th century.  


20.          T/F         According to the text, conservatives point to the value of easy divorce for women who mist free themselves abusive relationships. 


Chapter 9:  (Alcohol and Other Drugs)


21.          Betsee has a beer or a glass of wine from time to time because these drinks taste good and make her feel more relaxed.  According to the text, Betsee’s behavior illustrates which reason for using drugs?  


               a.            recreational                         b.            theraputic             c.            spiritual/psychological      d.               escape   


22.          For __________, drug abuse is a form of retreatism—rejecting both social goals and the socially approved means of achieving them.


               a.     Functionalists             b.     Conflict theorists       c.     Interactionists             d.     Exchange theorists

23.          Prohibition in the U.S. produced _______________


               a.            an increase in the consumption of alcohol, and an increase in alcohol-related criminal activity

               b.            no change in the consumption of alcohol, but an increase in alcohol-related criminal activity

               c.            a decrease in the consumption of alcohol, but an increase in alcohol-related criminal activity

               d.            a decrease in the consumption of alcohol, and a decrease in alcohol-related criminal activity


24.          According to the text, which of the following political views advocates the abolition of virtually all drug laws (especially those on “soft drugs”) to provide people with greater personal freedom


a.            Radical Left         b.            Liberal                  c.            Conservative        d.            Right-Wing Libertarian


25.          Which of the following drugs is defined as a stimulant?


               a.            solid alcohol                       b.            opium                   c.            LSD                      d.               nicotine


26.          According to lecture, which of the following constitutes the major drug problem in the United States today?


               a.      people abusing illegal drugs                                 

               b.     excessive use and abuse of legal drugs

               c.     the overuse and abuse of prescription medicines by all segments of the population

d.     the market in illegal drugs which feeds crime and gang warfare


27.          Which of the following statements is true regarding federal minimum mandatory sentencing guidelines for possession of crack and powder cocaine is true?


               a.            There are no minimum sentencing guidelines for these two drugs because use is low and they have been on the decline in recent years.

               b.            Sentencing guidelines are the same for both drugs.

               c.            Power cocaine draws higher minimum mandatory sentences because it is more expensive.

               d.            Crack cocaine draws higher minimum mandatory sentences.


28.          T/F         According to the Macionis text, each year in the U.S. about 440,000 people die prematurely due to tobacco use, making it the single greatest preventable cause of death. 


29.          T/F         According to the text approximately 18 million adults (10 percent of the adult population) have a drinking problem.  


30.          T/F         According to the text, alcohol is the most addictive drug legally available in the U.S. 


31.          T/F         According to the text, a recent survey of college students indicated that close to half (44 percent) reported abusing alcohol in the past two weeks. 


32.          T/F         The difference between drug use and drug abuse is medically defined by how much damage is done to the body; not by social definitions of what is acceptable and unacceptable. 


Chapter 10:  (Physical and Mental Health)


33.          According to the text, approximately __________ million people in the United States do not have health care.


               a.            20           b.            40           c.            60           d.            80


34.          _______________ is a federal program financed from Social Security taxes to provide health care for the poor.


               a.            Medicare              b.            Medicaid              c.            Medigen                              d.               Patient First

35.          Thomas Szasz has developed what may be the most controversial approach to mental illness.  He claims that _______________.


               a.            mental illness can be managed successfully through drugs and a carefully designed diet

               b.            mental illness can result from medical problems involving any part of the body

               c.            all forms of mental illness can be directly traced to physiological structures in the brain

               d.            mental illness is a label that society applies to actions that it finds disturbing when, in reality, such behavior is only different


36.          According to lecture, __________ has the best socialized medical care program in the world.


               a.            Sweden                 b.            Britain                  c.            Russia                   d.            U.S. Congress


37.  __________ refers to patterns of behavior expected of people who are defined as ill.


               a.            Hypochondria      b.            Illness norms       c.            The sick role        d.            Malingering


38.          T/F         According to the text, there is no evidence that poverty leads to mental illness.    


39.          T/F         The United States today, accounts for approximately 15 percent of all the world’s AIDS cases.     


40.          T/F         According to the text, race, by itself does not seem to play a part in patterns of mental health.    


41.          T/F         In the U.S. the elderly suffer lower rates of mental illness than those who are younger.


42.          T/F         Today, the most serious global health threat is tobacco addiction.     


Chapter 11:  (Economy and Politics)


43.          According to lecture, stock holders of a corporation can not be sued for any crimes that the executives of that corporation may commit, even those that may injure or kill thousands of people.  This is referred to as __________.


a.            interlocking directorate                c.            golden parachute

               b.            limited liability                                  d.            corporate privilege                           


44.  According to the text, in the United States almost __________ percent of production is carried out in the privately owned sector of the economy.


               a.            50                          b.            60                          c.            70                          d.            80


45.          Ford Motor Corporation; General Motors; and Halliburton are all examples of __________.


               a.            oligarchies           b.            conglomerates                    c.            monopolies          d.               oligopolies


46.  The term, “military-industrial complex” is most closely related to the _______________ model .


               a.            pluralist                b.            power elite           c.            political-reform  d.            democratic


47.          According to lecture, labor unions __________.


               a.            are basically in control of  major U.S. corporations

               b.            are more powerful than the federal government

               c.            have experienced a significant loss in membership since the 1950s

               d.            now have little impact on the political process


48.          According to lecture, which of the following gives the most money to political campaigns?


               a.            civil rights and women’s rights groups           c.            labor unions

               b.            physicians and health professionals                              d.            U.S. Corporations

49.          T/F         According to lecture, in the 2004 presidential election approximately 60% of the electorate voted. 


50.          T/F         According to lecture and the text, the top 100 corporations in the U.S. control about three quarters of the nation’s assets.        


51.          T/F         According to the text, more government assistance (welfare) goes to the poor than to U.S. corporations.     


Chapter 12: (Work and the Workplace)


52.          Which of the following trends was observed in the U.S. workforce during the 20th century?


               a.            a decline in manufacturing occupations

               b.            a decline in the number and percentage of women who work outside the home for wages

               c.            a movement from part-time employment to full-time employment among workers

               d.            an increase in the earning power of middle class workers (meaning that they worked fewer hours to be able to afford owning a house)


53.          One work place problem for many workers is that they have little control over what they do or how they do it.  More than a hundred years ago,  Karl Marx referred to this problem with the term “_______________”.


               a.            class consciousness           b.            capitalism             c.            alienation             d.               bureaucracy


54.          According to the text, the term used to describe occupations that provide good pay and extensive benefits to workers is called the ______________ labor market.


               a.            “high-end”                          b.            “informal”            c.            “manifest”                           c.               “primary”


55.          According to lecture and the text, in 2000, approximately _____ percent of the U.S. labor force was engaged in agricultural work.


                a.           4                            b.            8                           c.            12                          d.            16


56.          According to the text, McDonaldization is the defining of work in terms of four basic principles.  Which of the following is one of them?


               a.            reward                   b.            satisfaction          c.            involvement         d.            uniformity


57.          The film, “Fast Food Women,” demonstrated that __________.


               a.            it is possible for workers in fast food restaurants from McDonalds to Pizza Hut to earn sufficient wages to  support their families

               b.            it is wrong to stereotype fast food workers as high school kids out to earn a few extra dollars for spending money

               c.            the majority of fast food restaurant managers were women

               d.            fast food restaurants actively seek women with managerial talent even when hiring them as counter workers and waitresses.


58.          T/F         McDonald’s executives train at “Hamburger University” in surroundings that have waterfalls and beanbag furniture designed to stimulate creative thinking.    


59.          T/F         According to the text the tertiary sector of the U.S. labor force is comprised of workers who mostly perform service work.   


60.          T/F         According to the text, the most deadly kind of work in the U.S. is construction work. 



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