Paper 1:  Writing Assignment List

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1.)        Be sure to write the title (or question that you have chosen to address) at the top of your paper.  (With so many papers to read, it helps me do focus on your particular topic quickly). 


2.)        You must cite all sources very clearly so that I can find them. If you plagiarize someone else’s work, you will be dismissed from this class.  You may use a broad variety of source material:  Newspaper and magazine articles, books and monographs, professional journals, documentaries, etc.  You are welcome to use internet source material, but be sure to reference it very carefully.


3.)        I want to see at least 5 references.  (You may use the text as one of them).


4.)        If you need help with citations, refer to “Citing Sources” under “Writing Assignments” in Blackboard.  It is critical that you cite all sources thoroughly.  You may use APA; MPA; and other formats.  The important thing is that I can get to the particular source and access it. 


5.)        Please set your margins to 1” all around the page.  Double-space your typing.  Use no larger than 12 pt type, (Times New Roman is preferred).  Be sure to number your pages.  Proofread your work carefully.  Due to the large numbers of papers I’ll be grading, I generally stop reading at the 5th typographical error, so proofread your work.  It is acceptable for you to let others proofread for you, as long as they don’t write your paper!


6.)        By all means, feel free to use VCU’s writing center for help with grammar and writing.


You may choose to write on any ONE of the following questions from Chapters 1; 16; 15; 17; and 18:  (The first writing assignment covers all topics through Gender Inequality). 


Chapter 1: Introduction


Here’s a good place to start when examining social problems:  (The Society for the Study of Social Problems)


1.         What does our text mean when it says that social problems are “socially constructed”?  Does there have to be an objective condition in society before a social problem can come in to existence?  How are social problems constructed?   This is not just an opinion paper--You must consult a variety of sources (at least five) when writing it—Hint:  The text should be one of them.  Your sources may include newspaper and magazine articles; professional journals. 


2.         It’s a national election year!  The first chapter of your text spends some time on what it calls the “political spectrum.”  Compare and contrast the platforms of any TWO of the parties who have nominated candidates for this election on the question of energy and the environment.  (Yes, you may choose the Nader/Gonzalez ticket, too).  How do the liberals differ from the conservatives?  Which party (or platform) is more aligned with the functionalist paradigm?  Which is more closely related to the conflict paradigm?  Again, sources may include newspaper and magazine articles; professional journals, and books.


Chapter 16: Population


     The U.S. Bureau of the Census ( ) is the authoritative source of demographic data on the United States.  Check out the population clocks for both the world and the United States on the home page.  (In 2000, the U.S. population was estimated to be 281,421,906.  Now (2007) it is 301,064,983!)   

     The United Nations Population Information Network ( is another respected source of population data. 

Population is also a very political subject.  Visit the website of the Population Research Institute, , an organization that opposes restrictions on population growth.  Other organizations, such as “Population Connection” (formerly Zero Population Growth, Inc.) are strong advocates of restricting population growth. Examine both sides of the debate over population growth using these websites.


1.         One of the most widely discussed topics in the United States today is immigration.   For this paper, you are to research current U.S. policies regarding this topic.  What major proposals are currently being advanced by Republicans, Democrats, and other political parties regarding this issue?  You may analyze one party’s position, or you may compare parties on this issue.  (It is acceptable to consult their web sites as legitimate sources for this part of your essay).  Based upon the literature you cite for this paper, which seem to make more sense to you?  (You will find that this question ties in with material presented in Chapter 3).


2.         One of the issues that has emerged in this current campaign is family planning policy.  Is there a need for national involvement in such issues as sex education and family planning in the U.S.?  Should the United States finance family planning programs at the federal level?  Compare and contrast liberal and conservative positions on this issue.  Cite their major arguments and evaluate the support that they give.  Based upon your own research, which view do you support—why?


Chapter 5:  Aging and Inequality


     As our population ages, new social issues emerge in the on-going debate over social policy that impacts the elderly.  The AARP website, provides a wealth of information for and about people who are middle-aged and older.  (Those aged 50 and above are invited to apply).  You can scan their site for many of the issues that impact the elderly.

     There is also a fairly extensive site on euthanasia:  This site provides resources that enable the reader to compare a variety of national programs on this very controversial subject.


 1.        Recently, Social Security has emerged as a major social issue and the two major parties have included it in their campaigns.  When the program was founded in 1935, life expectancy (at birth) in the U.S. was around 62 years and the ratio of workers to social security recipients was high.  As late as 1950 the ratio was still high at 16.5 to 1.  Today, the ratio is 3 to 1 and is expected to fall even further.  What solutions have been advanced to resolve this problem?  Which seems most promising to you?  Why? 


2.         Our text points out on pages 142-144, that liberals and conservatives (and the radical left) have different views on meeting the social problems associated with aging.  Which of these views do you find to be most convincing and why?  (Support your analysis with data and statistics from the literature).    


Chapter 17:  Technology and the Environment

The Aral Sea Tragedy is a classic example of the power that humans can exert over the environment”  


1.         Some argue that global warming is the result of human actions—increased use of fossil fuels and lack of controls over air pollution and the deforestation of the planet.  Others say that there is no proof of this and that even if the earth is getting warmer, the increase in temperature may be caused by a natural climatic cycle.  Look at both sides of the argument over global warming. In your opinion, which has more merit?  Why?


2.         Regarding the consumption of gasoline in the U.S., some argue that the federal government should implement measures to force conservation of this non-renewable resource, such as increasing mileage standards or imposing a gasoline tax that makes the price per gallon more in-line with other industrialized countries.  Others say that this is unnecessary and that the free market will take care of the issue.  Briefly examine this issue and the proposed solutions.  Which seems most logical to you?  Why?


 Chapter 18:  War and Terrorism


Sites on terrorism: A good place to begin would be the Department of Homeland Security (DHS)   

The FBI's web page is also a good place to consult . Search under the topic, "terrorism" to find documents and reports on terrorist threats to the United States.  Do the same beginning from the Central Intelligence Agency's web page, and you will obtain similar results.   



1.         Recently, there has been much controversy in the political campaign over the “Bush Doctrine.”  Simply stated, this doctrine argues that it is permissible for the United States to strike preemptively if it has sufficient evidence that it is about to be attacked by another country (or a terrorist organization, for example).  Examine this issue in light of the literature (pro and con)—Present the major arguments for and against implementing such a doctrine or policy.  Based upon what information you have gathered, what is your opinion?  (Be sure to back it up with facts that you have obtained from your review of the literature).


2.         One issue that has been debated between Conservatives and Liberals since the Reagan administration is whether or not the United States should construct and deploy an anti-missile defense system (the “Strategic Defense Initiative “ nicknamed “Star Wars”) to defend itself against missile attacks from “rogue” states.  Evaluate this issue and give your position.





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