ana sabr hlieku

 ana sabr hlieko                I am still patient
 ask sabr abieni                Until patience gets tired of me
 we'ana sabr hlieko :           And I am patient
 esK leKalQ red'ani             Till the creator saves me
 mn emeyt abere                 And if I die I will only rest
 weQebryie setreni              And my grave will veil me
 wemn hale Hlaya                And if I live, I will sing for her
 wera'yta kefieni               And seeing her will be all I ask for

ana sabr hlieKo I am still patient merir dbyie mn Sebr But that is indeed bitter we'ana sabr halieko And I am patient bAl mal ye'ane wetajr I am not wealthy and rich skab lali Hagla And my nights are devoid of sleep eglie wo'gla tenebr Not only for herself, but she also lives for me washamatna kefiena And our love is enough for us Haglan mn meS' wodbr Even if there comes poverty and want

ana sabr hlieko I am waiting in patience we sabr tHazo meranet And patience asks for guts we'ana sabr hlieko And I am waiting in patience Hmum ana beAl niyet Sick and tired ambelki menbero life without you Andel geb'et womret Is indeed very bitter, womslki ember And to live with you yrekebko meranet I have no gut ana sabr hlieko:: I am waiting in patience ___________________________ (Translation by Omar Kekia)