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Lesson 5


Now we will try to put together what we have learned in the previous 
lessons. We will take htu (he) as an example;

      htu  ......... tu         he is ( for identity)
      htu ......... Ala 	he was ( describing action in the past)
      htu ......... hala 	he is ( describing action in the present)

      Hamd  HSan n'ush tu       Hamid is a young boy.  
      htu   HSan n'ush tu       he    is a young boy.
            HSan n'ush tu             is a young boy. 
			(the subject "he" is inherent in the copula tu)

      Hamd  ltelhe Ala/hala     Hamid was playing/is playing
      htu   ltelhe Ala          he was playing.
            ltelhe Ala             was playing.

      Hamd  sekb   Ala/hala     Hamid was sleeping/is sleeping
      htu   sekb   Ala          he was sleeping.
            sekb   Ala          was sleeping.

      We will do the same thing with Hmum (= sick )

      Hamd Hmum tu 	Hamid is sick ( has some kind of sickness that is 
                                       always with him )
      Hamd Hmum Ala    	Hamid was sick. 
      Hamd Hmum hala   	Hamid is now sick.



I ana ........ ana ana ........ Alko ana ........ haleko you (f) enti ........ enti enti ........ Alki enti ........ haleki you (m) enta ........ enta enta ........ Alka enta ........ haleka she hta ......... ta hta ........ Alet hta ........ halet he htu ......... tu htu ......... Ala htu ......... hala you (p,m) entum ...... entum entum ...... Alkum entum ...... halekum you (p,f) entn ........ entn entn ........ Alkn entn ........ halekn we nHna ( Hna ) ........ nHna ( Hna ) nHna ( Hna ) ......... Alna nHna ( Hna ) ......... halena they (f) hten ........ ten hten ....... Aleya hten ....... haleya they (m) htom .......... tom htom .......... Alew htom ......... halew One last example for she. Note how the adjective is gender dependent, i.e. changes with gender, but we will come to this later on, on coming lessons. arhiet welet reyam ta Arhiet is a tall girl. arhiet geys Alet Arhiet was going. arhiet tsE halet Arhiet is running. Now we can do the same for the other pronouns with the verb geys = going and lsE ( for he ) I esAe haleko/ Alko I am running/ was running you(f) tsI haleki/Alki you are running/was running you(m) tsAe haleka/ Alka you are running/was running he lsAe hala/ Ala he is running/was running she tsAe halet/Alet she is running/was running we nsAe halena/Alna we are/were running you(f) tsEya halekn/Alkn you are/were running you(m) tsU halekum/Alkum you are/were running they(f) lsEya haleya/Aleya they are/were running they (m) lsU halew/Alew they are/were running ****************************************** Today we have learned the following new words; skab sleep(n) sekba slept (v) lsE running *********************************************************************** End of Lesson 5
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