DmtA as a GATC methyltransferase

Julie Rumble(UR '02)

Current position
Lab technician, Dept. of Genetics, Massachussetts General Hospital (Brian Seed)

Research Proposal (Summer '00)
Research Summary (Summer '00)

Merck Undergraduate Research Fellow (Summer, 2000)

Matveyev* AV, Young KT, Rumble J, Lee J, Bucheimer RE, Meng A, Elhai J (2000)
Intrinsic control of heterocyst spacing in Anabaena: The role of DNA methyltransferases
Xth International Symposium on Photosynthetic Prokaryotes, Barcelona, Spain

Matveyev* AV, Rumble* J, Elhai J (2001)
GATC-recognizing DNA methyltransferases of the cyanobacterium Anabaena PCC 7120: Their role in host growth and development
VIIth Cyanobacterial Workshop, Pacific Grove, California