Biol 213: Genetics (Fall 2001)
Genetic Poetry Archives: Elements of Genetics
A vermillion bespectacled fly,
Had inside him a cinnibar eye.
      Did it brown? It did not!
      But remained a red spot,
For the lack of a substrate -- that's why.

The duo of Beadle and Tatum
Should be tops in your book (if you ratum).
      I'll tell you what fora
      They used Neurospora
You find what's a gene if you matum.

The duo of Hershey and Chase,
The parts of a virus to place,
      Noted P-32
      All inside (save a few)
But S-35 -- just a trace!

The basis of gene replication
Provides for its own explanation.
       For what are essential
      (they're self-referential)
Are the bases of gene replication.

Said Nir'nberg to Gobind Khorana,
"I know you can make what I wanna,
     Poly-U, please, on credit,
     And as soon as I've read it,
I'll pay you your phe, on my honna!

A codon -- its lot termination,
Sat ruefully pond'ring its station,
      "UGA, oh why me?
      That I were UGG!
(or be saved by a suppressor mutation!)"

A protein bereft of a plan,
Faced a membrane it hankered to span.
      "Ah! What can I do?
      For I'm all asp and glu,"

Try filling in the blank line (click on it), or write your own from scratch!