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Links of Cyanobacteriological Interest
(plus many more at CyanoSite)
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Algal Toxins Forum(http://www.atlas.co.uk/listons/algaltox.htm) Contains online reports by the UK Foundation for Water Research on the detection and characteristics of cyanobacterial toxins.

ASU Photosynthesis Center(http://photoscience.la.asu.edu/photosyn/default.html)Contains many links related to photosynthesis, including those to educational pages and to an E-mail directory of those interested in photosynthesis (http://photoscience.la.asu.edu/photosyn/nicelist.html). (Larry Orr, Arizona State U.)

Cyanobacteria (http://www.bom.hik.se/~njasv/disp.html) Review of cyanobacterial physiology, with special emphasis on nitrogen fixation. Lots of references. (Sven Janson)

CyanoBase (http://www.kazusa.or.jp/cyano/cyano.html)Complete sequence of Synechocystis PCC 6803, including maps and online similarity searches. Also has online 2D protein gel and genetic source of many of the spots, alignment of translational initiation sites, and lists of amino terminal sequences and processing sites.(Kazusa DNA Research Institute)

CyanoMutants (http://www.kazusa.or.jp/cyano/mutants/)Depository of published and unpublished functional and genetic data on Synechocystis PCC 6803 mutants. Intended to facilitate communication among scientists interested in the same gene(s) and to help to avoid unnecessary duplication of efforts. (Kazusa DNA Research Institute)

CyanoSite (http://www-cyanosite.bio.purdue.edu)Collection of useful tools for the cyanobacteriologist: CyBib (a compendium of references), images of many species of cyanobacteria, protocols, media recipes, taxonomic schemes, announcements. (Mark Schneegurt, U. Notre Dame)

The Greening Process(http://w3.aces.uiuc.edu/NRES/LPPBP/greening.html)Reviews biosynthesis of porphyrins and implications, development of Photobiotechnologies, sequenced enzymes and apoproteins. Pictures require CHIME. (C.A. Rebeiz, U. Illinois)

Harmful Algae News (http://www.unesco.org/ioc/news/newslet.htm) A monthly newsletter about toxic algae (including occasional reference to cyanobacteria. Newsletters in PDF format (requires Acrobat) to permit beautiful printing. (Henrik Enevoldsen, coordinator, IOC, Copenhagen)

Introduction to the Cyanobacteria (http://www.ucmp.berkeley.edu/bacteria/cyanointro.html)Basics of cyanobacteria, including systematics, fossil record, and life history. Nice pictures. Part of U. California Museum of Paleontology.

Pasteur Culture Collection(http://www.pasteur.fr/Bio/PCC/) Descriptions of the strains housed at the Institut Pasteur, along with useful references and recipes. (Michael Herdman, Institut Pasteur)

SynechocystisPCC6803: FunctionalReconstruction from the Sequence Data (Http://www.mcs.anl.gov/home/compbio/WIT/synechocystis.html)Examines likely metabolic capabilities of Synechocystis from the genes deduced from the genomic sequence. (Robert Haselkorn, U. Chicago; and Natalia Maltsev, Argonne National Lab.)

Toxic Cyanobacteria(http://lurac.latrobe.edu.au/~botbml/cyanotox.html)Offers short course on cyanobacterial toxins and some of the strains that make them, topical debates, listing of research interests of those studying cyanobacterial toxicology. (Ben Long, La Trobe U.)

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