BNFO 301 
Introduction to Bioinformatics
Course at a Glance: Mentoring High School Students
Spring 2005 

Each of you will adopt a student from biology class at Wythe High School (home of the Mighty Bulldogs). I will visit the class some time in February to explain the nature of our interaction, and all of us will meet with the class Wednesday, February 16 at the high school. At that meeting, you'll establish how to use BioLingua with them.

After that you and your adoptee will meet online through BioLingua (which permits two people to log into the same space and thereby see the same screen), to work through some Molecular Mysteries. You'll no doubt be able to figure them out more easily than the student, but the idea is to encourage the student to do as much of the solving as possible, with you acting as cheer leader.