BNFO 301 
Introduction to Bioinformatics
Topic: Research Project
Spring 2013 


OK, this is the main event.

Why 'What is a Gene'? Why codons? Why BioBIKE? ...all of that so that you could be prepared for the analysis of phage genomes, a project that will consume most of the remainder of the semester.

There's too much to learn about genome analysis. There's WAY too much to learn. Never mind you, there's too much for ME to learn, or any other human for that matter. Fortunately, humans have made significant progress despite the fact that no single human is an expert in all areas. The strategy for your research project is similar to the strategy for all large research projects: each person becomes expert in a small slice of the pie and conversent about other people's slices. Each person contributes to the whole, even though the whole is too big for any single person to comprehend.

To facilitate this, you'll be part of a small group with a common interest in a large topic. You'll each have a smaller topic within that focus. Each group will meet with me once a week, but I anticipate you will want to communicate in some way amongst yourselves more frequently than that.

Along the way, you'll develop an exhaustive bibliography on your topic (to gain the sense of expertise), and you'll write a summary of one (possibly computational) experiment taken from one of those articles. A summary of an experiment is like a miniature research proposal and will give you practice in writing one.

At the end of the semester, you'll present your work first to your colleagues and then to the world and also write a report detailing your progress.

Time Line
  28 Feb - 12 Mar   Explore topics: Read articles in group pages (below)
13 Mar (noon) Submit group preferences: Submit questionnaire
14 Mar Groups announced: and posted
21 Mar Submit tentative topic: Submit questionnaire
28 Mar E-mail reference list: Create an exhaustive list of articles on your topic.
Indicate one reference you've chosen to summarize
2 Apr - 30 Apr Group meetings: See schedule (when available) below
4 Apr Submit article summary: Here's how
25 Apr Local Presentations: Present work to each other and offer critiques
3 May Symposium: Present work to world
10 May Gene annotations due
10 May Reports due

General Advice and Examples

    Overview: What and Why Research Proposal?

    Advice: How to find a research topic

    Advice: How to address a protein-centered problem
    Example: How a protein-centered project might proceed (Part I)
                   How a protein-centered project might proceed (Part II)

    Advice: How to address a DNA-centered problem
    Example: How a DNA-centered project might proceed

    Advice: How to build an exhaustive bibliography
                 (also see the sample protein-centered project, Part I)

    Advice and examples: How to write a summary of a research article

    Advice: How to annotate genes

    Advice: How to prepare a presentation on your work

    Advice: How to critique others' presentations

    Advice: How to write a report on your project


Each group is defined by a core focus, which comes with at least one suggested article. Group members may use this article as inspiration, a starting point to find other pertinent articles, and an aid in defining and subdividing the project. A group is under no obligation to stick to any predetermined agenda, so long as it goes in a direction that is even more interesting than the original. Here's a brief overview of the nature of each group, but it is no substitute for reading the articles suggested at each group's web page.

Each person will have an individual project. Since our sister class, BNFO252 (Phage Discovery Lab), is analyzing newly sequenced mycobacteriophages, it would be interesting if your project considered their phage genomes, but in some cases this may not be possible. Your project will probably something greater than a single phage or small group of phages -- perhaps mycobacterial phages or some other group.

Starting the week of April 2, I will be meeting with each group at the specified time (time and place yet to be determined). Groups are encouraged to meet before this time to figure out who will be covering what subtopic and to exchange insights useful to all. Click Phage Analysis Groups for alternate times.

  1. Lysogeny Group (meets Wednesdays, 1:00-2:00 PM, Harris Hall 3104)
    Do the new phages have protein indicative of a lysogenic life style? Other mycobacteriophage?
    What are the sites of integration and repression of lytic expression?
  2. Lysis Group (meets Mondays, 1:00-2:00 PM, Harris Hall 3104)
    What functions do the new phages have to lyse their hosts? Other mycobacteriophage?
    How is the moment of lysis controlled?
  3. Sequence Bias Group
    Do the new genomes exhibit oligonucleotide frequencies that can't be explained by chance?
    Do the phage sequence biases match those of their presumed bacterial hosts?
    What tRNAs do the phage have? Is codon biases influenced by those tRNAs?
  4. Mobile Element Group (meets Tuesdays, 9:55-10:50 AM, Oliver Hall 2122)
    Do the new phages have sequences that appear capable of transposition? Other mycobacteriophage?
    What are the extents of the elements?
  5. DNA replication group
    What proteins do the new phages have to support the replication of phage DNA? Other mycobacteriophage?
    What signals on the phage DNA serve to initiate DNA replication?
  6. Gene regulation group (meets Tuesdays, 9:00-9:55 AM, Oliver Hall 2122)
    What proteins do the new phages use to regulate gene expression? Other mycobacteriophage?
    To what DNA sites do these proteins bind?
  7. Phylogeny and Mosaicism
    What are the evolutionary relationships amongst the mycobacteriophages, and how can they best be predicted?
    Are there regions of certain phage genomes with different evolutionary histories than other regions of the same genomes?
  8. Phage-Host Antagonism (meets Wednesdays, 3:00-4:00 PM, Harris Hall 3104)
    What evidence is there in phage genomes for mechanisms to thwart host defenses?