Introduction to Bioinformatics (Fall 2003)
Questionnaire on Modifying working programs
(please press SUBMIT button when finished)

I. Basic Information and Miscellaneous

A. Your name 

B. Need your advice. Usually near the end of classes I hear the rustling of papers and that prompts me to offer some inspirational message and close the proceedings. I haven't heard the rustlings in this class, so I've just kept right on going past the time the registrar-specified end of class. So long as there's anyone there who has the time and interest to proceed, I'm not going anywhere! However, it occurs to me that some might have other pressing responsibilities and are uncomfortable bolting for the door without official sanction. Should I make some sign or recite some formula at the appointed time, or do you feel comfortable just leaving when you need to?

II. Progress with modifying BlastParser
A. Were you able to download and install Blast, download the sequences, and run BlastAll? 

B. Were you able to examine a portion of the output of the program ? 

C. Were you able to run BlastParser successfully, using the data it came with? 

What progress have you made in modifying BlastParser to run on your own output? (plus any other comments you might have)
III. Perl issues
A. How comfortable are you now with the Perl features introduced in Problem Set 1P-1 and -2?

B. How comfortable are you now with regular expressions?

C. How comfortable are you now in making changes to a working Perl program and running it? 

D. Would you like to discuss in class either Problem Set question 1P-1 or 1P-2:

PS1P-1 PS1P-2
Comments for questions III.A through II.C:
V. Miscellaneous
A. Put here any miscellaneous comments, questions, suggestions, concerns you may have. A request for individal time to discuss Perl is one example.


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