Biol 591 
Introduction to Bioinformatics
Fall 2002 

Scenario 3: Comparison of protein sequence against database
How to run the DG47 amino acid sequence through Blast

Explanation and notes
Go to This is the National Center for Biological Information (NCBI) site, home of Blast and much else. Why not bookmark it?
Click on the Blast on the blue bar near the top
Click in the Standard protein-proetin BLAST [blastp] under Protein BLAST There many flavors of Blast, depending on what kind of sequence you have (DNA or protein) and what you want to compare it against (DNA or protein). PHI-Blast and PSI-Blast are very useful variants, which we may discuss later.
Paste the DG47 amino acid sequence into the Search box. If you don't have the sequence, get it now by clicking here Make up a header line (beginning >), to give Blast something by which to refer to your sequence.
Click the Blast button. This will bring you to a new page. Check the Query= line near the top. It should tell you that there are 63 letters. Note the time estimate below the Format button.
Click the Format button. This will open up a new window, which will refresh itself until Blast is ready with the output..
When the output arrives, scroll down to the box below Distribution of n Blast Hits... for results in graphical form and further down for results in text form. Same graphical and text formats as with BlastN.
Congratulate self You're done!