Introduction to Bioinformatics (Fall 2002)
Personal Information Questionnaire
(please press SUBMIT button when finished)

I. Basic Information*

A. Your name (as you are called) 
B. Your e-mail address 
C. How often do you check e-mail? 
D. Academic classification 
E. Major or Department 
F. Mind if this information is made available to others in the class? 
G. Mind if this information appears on the course web site? 
H. This course will have a lot of reading material on the web. Which form would you prefer?
1. PDF (good for printing)
2. Html (good for embedding links to related material)
II. Experience*
Please give your views on your general proficiency in the following areas:
A. Molecular Biology 
    (explain in box: classes, other experience, etc)
B. Computer science 
    (explain in box: classes, other experience, etc)
C. Computer programming 
    (explain in box: languages, experience, etc)
D. Statistics 
    (explain in box: classes, other experience, etc)
E1. Probability 
    (explain in box: classes, other experience, etc)
E2. Feel comfortable with simple probability? 
Please check the areas below in which you've gained some measure of proficiency
F1. Diff'l Calc F2. Integral Calc F3. Diff'l equations F4. Linear algebra
II.G. If you are doing research, please describe what you do in a few well chosen sentences
II.H. What bioinformatic tools have you used? 
    (e.g. Blast,...)
III. Fuzzy philosophical questions*
A. What is your current thinking as to your career/life goal?
B. Why did you take this course? What do you hope to gain from it?
IV. *Put here any comments, questions, suggestions, concerns that don't fit anywhere else


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