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                                                                           ANOMIE THEORY


1. Emile Durkheim

2. Robert Merton

3. Richard Cloward and Lloyd Ohlin


Mechanical vs. Organic solidarity

Three abnormal forms of the division of labor
Forced division of labor - distribution of occupations does not follow distribution of talent

Insufficient functional activity - workers do not develop a sense of participation in a common enterprise

Anomie - insufficient effective contacts between individuals to maintain adequate regulation of social relationships

Three sources of anomie
Sudden depression

Sudden prosperity

Rapid technological change

Types of suicide

Egoistic - results from extreme independence of individual in society

Altruistic - results from group pressures requiring self-destruction

Fatalistic - results from excessive regulation that leads individuals to conclude their futures are blocked and to individual passions being choked by oppressive discipline

Anomie - results from individuals being thrown out of adjustment with their typical ways of life so there is a sense of not making progress with respect to their desires. Aspirations will rise beyond all possibility of fulfillment, producing anomie (normlessness)

Stable societies are those in which cultural goals allow individuals to respect collective authority.


Elements of Social Structure
Cultural goals  - more or less integrated, ordered hierarchically, aspirational frame of reference

Institutional norms - define and control acceptable means of reaching goals, not necessarily efficient, vary from proscribed to prescribed

Cultural Effects
Secondary symbolic reinforcement

Curbing of response extinction

Increasing motive strength in the absence of rewards

Deflection of criticism on to individual for failures

Preservation of class system by producing identification with upper classes

Pressure for conformity through threat of loss of legitimate membership

Anomie results when there is great pressure on goals (universal striving, failure as temporary, withdrawal is discrediting) and institutional means cannot meet expectations


1. How good a chance do you think a person has to get ahead today if the person works hard?

    Very good/good chance     63
    Some/little chance             35
    No chance                            2
2. Do you think most Americans have a fair opportunity to make the most of themselves in life, or does something usually hold them back?
    Fair opportunity                 70
    Held back                           30
3. In general, compared to your parents at the time you were growing up, do you think that the standard of living you now have is...
    Much better than your parents     49
    Somewhat better                            30
    About the same                              14
    Worse/much worse                           8
4. Since your first full-time job have you...
    Advanced rapidly in rank/status      10
    Made steady advances                     60
    Stayed at about the same level        25
    Lost some ground                               4
5. Thinking about your future work career, do you expect that over the next 5 - 10 years you will
    Advance rapidly                                         31
    Make steady advances in rank/status     52
    Stay at about the same level                    13
    Lose some ground                                      4
6. Personal drive, willingness to take risks is important in attaining wealth
    Very important                     64
    Somewhat important            31
    Not important                         5
7. Hard work and initiative are important in attaining wealth
    Very important                     60
    Somewhat important            32
    Not important                         9
8. Lack of thrift and proper money-management skills are reasons for poverty
    Very important                     59
    Important                              31
    Not important                         9
9. Lack of effort by the poor themselves is a reason for poverty
    Very important                     57
    Important                              34
    Not important                         9
10. Compared to the average person in America, do you think the chance of getting ahead is
    Much better/better than average         38
    Average                                                 54
    Worse/much worse than average           9


MODE OF ADAPTATION              GOALS                             MEANS

Conformity                                          Accept                              Accept

Innovation                                           Accept                              Reject

Ritualism                                             Reject                              Accept

Retreatism                                          Reject                              Reject

Rebellion                                            Reject/Replace                 Reject/Replace


                   Suicide Rate per 100,000
Professional-Managerial                                                             35.4

Sales-Clerical                                                                               11.6

Skilled Workers (Craftsmen)                                                      14.3

Semi-skilled Workers (Operatives)                                             20.5

Unskilled Workers                                                                        38.7

Retired Workers                                                                           83.4



1. Motivation to engage in illegal opportunities may vary with the response to deviance

    a. Open up legitimate opportunities

    b. Open up illegitimate opportunities

    c. Close off legitimate opportunities

    d. Close of illegitimate opportunities

2. Access to unconventional roles
    a. Socioeconomic status, age, sex, ethnicity, etc.

    b. Stable criminal living environment

    c. Selection

3. Environmental supports for criminal substructure
    a. Integration of age levels

    b. Criminal role models

    c. Age grading of criminal learning and experience

    d. Integration of values


1. Conflict subculture

2. Retreatist subculture


1. In our area it's hard for a young guy to stay in school

    B,LC,G        48.5

    B,LC,NG     28.1

    B,MC            7.7

    W,LC,G       52.2

    W,LC,NG    21.5

    W,MC           0.0

2. Most of the guys in our area will graduate from high school

    B,LC,G         30.6

    B,LC,NG      44.9

    B,MC           96.2

    W,LC,G       32.3

    W,LC,NG    65.8

    W,MC        100.0

3. It's hard for a young guy in our area to get a good paying, honest job

    B,LC,G        77.2

    B,LC,NG     62.9

    B,MC           46.2

    W,LC,G       56.7

    W,LC,NG    31.6

    W,MC           9.4

4. In this area it's hard to make much mone without doing something illegal

    B,LC,G         54.9

    B,LC,NG      38.2

    B,MC           23.1

    W,LC,G       37.8

    W,LC,NG    13.9

    W,MC           0.0

5. Some of the most respectable people in our area make their money illegally

    B,LC,G       44.2

    B,LC,NG    19.1

    B,MC         15.4

    W,LC,G      24.4

    W,LC,NG   10.1

    W,MC          3.8

6. There are connections in this area for a guy who wants to make good money illegally

    B,LC,G       57.8

    B,LC,NG    49.4

    B,MC          38.5

    W,LC,G       47.8

    W,LC,NG    35.4

    W,MC           5.7

7. Young guys can learn a lot about crime from older people in the area

    B,LC,G       75.2

    B,LC,NG    66.3

    B,MC          34.6

    W,LC,G       52.2

    W,LC,NG    35.4

    W,MC          11.3

8. There are adults in this area who help young guys make money illegally

    B,LC,G       59.2

    B,LC,NG    49.4

    B,MC          30.8

    W,LC,G       42.2

    W,LC,NG    26.6

    W,MC         15.1

9. In this area there are some people who make their living by doing things that are against the law

    B,LC,G        83.0

    B,LC,NG     73.0

    B,MC           69.2

    W,LC,G       70.0

    W,LC,NG    60.8

    W,MC          30.2

10. Total oppotunity score

    B,LC,G         2.1

    B,LC,NG      5.0

    B,MC           07.1

    W,LC,G       12.6

    W,LC,NG    13.6

    W,MC          24.1

11. Mean number of offenses known to police

    B,LC,G       3.14

    B,LC,NG    2.73

    B,MC          0.47

    W,LC,G       0.31

    W,LC,NG    0.06

    W,MC          0.02