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 Welcome from the conference organizer for the 41st annual Southeastern Region Lipid Conference (SERLC) the largest lipid conference in the USA. This years conference is scheduled for November 1st to 3rd and will as before be held at High Hampton Inn in the highly picturesque mountains of Cashiers, North Carolina.

SERLC is rapidly gaining popularity among both the scientific community and the industry. The primary reason for this is the clear evidence for this family of lipids, which include lysophosphatidic acid (LPA), sphingosine-1-phosphate (S1P), ceramide-1-phosphate (C1P), and related molecules, play critical roles in physiology and pathophysiolgy that rival and in some cases exceed those of peptide growth factors.  The bioactive lipids that form the focus of our conference have established functions in the etiology, diagnosis and management of neurological,  and cardiovascular diseases, immunologic diathesis, ishchemia reperfusion injury, protection from ionizing radiation and cancer.  This is an extremely active research area.  Publications in the field have increased steadily over the past 10 years and a conservative estimate of > 500 relevant research articles were published in the past year. 

A few facts for those of you who are new to this meeting:

1.   SERLC is a 3 day conference and is the largest lipid conference in the USA.

2.   The conference gives an opportunity for this increasingly important scientific community to present their findings and discuss their research in a relaxed informal environment in the highly picturesque mountains of North Carolina mountains.

3.   The last meeting brought together over 180 participants from well-known laboratory groups in the field of bioactive lipids (e.g. Drs. Alfred H. Merrill, Jr., Yusuf A. Hannun, Andrew Morris, etc…),

4.   The conference acts not only to bring together key scientists in the lipid field, but also as a training tool for the next generation of scientists in the areas of bioactive lipids (who are and will be buying cell signaling and lipid products).

5.   The format for the meeting consists of short 10-15 minute seminars as well as poster presentations from mainly graduate students and postdoctoral fellows.

Thus, with the number of participants and the focus on cell signaling and lipid analysis, companies contributing to the conference will receive excellent exposure to their existing and future clientele. This an invaluable opportunity for your company to promote your products to the current and future scientific community in a highly informal atmosphere.

  There are three principal levels of sponsorship:

 1. Gold Level: A contribution of $3000.00 or more.

 Benefits: High exposure on web site with an opportunity to advertise five of the most relevant new products with a direct link to the company web site. In addition  waived registration fee for up to three representatives, 1-page (black&white) ad in conference program, table at the conference, travel award named after your company, and large banner for company erected in poster session area.

 2. Silver Level: A contribution of $1500.00-$2999.99.

 Benefits: High exposure on web site (and link to web site), registration fee waived for two representatives and reduced corporate registration fee of $125.00/representative (up to three), and table at conference.

 3. Bronze Level: A contribution of $500.00-$999.99.

 Benefits: High exposure on web site (and link to web site) and reduced corporate registration fee of $125.00/representative (up to three).

 In addition there are several additional ways in which your company can gain exposure in this meeting.

Sponsoring the travel and registration costs of the Keynote Speakers.

Sponsoring Travel Awards for the most outstanding presentations ( traditionally six to ten travel awards are given to the top abstracts submitted to the meeting from postdoctoral fellows and graduate students. )

Sponsoring other fees related to SERLC.

The meeting has relied completely on private sponsors in the past, thus we are hoping for continued support from private companies in the biotechnology sector to conduct the meeting in 2006.


*Registration fee for representatives from corporations and for-profit institutions is $250.00/participant unless waived or reduced due to monetary contribution to the meeting.

**Contribution of funds does not guarantee an oral presentation at the conference. These are chosen on a scientific basis by an external committee.
