The Ticket Process

On Day One, Chuck Smith described what the Wood Badge Course was all about--see "Course Overview" on pages 12-15 of The Wood Badge Handbook. And he described the "Guidelines for Writing a Wood Badge Ticket" (Handbook pages 16-17).

So, we suggest that you do the following:

  1. Go to the "Wood Badge Ticket Workbook" in the Appendix of the Handbook (starting on page 80). And do Parts 1 and 2. Specifically, what is your job in Scouting? and What is your vision for success in that job?

Write down your thoughts in the pages of the Appendix. Or, if you like you can download the Ticket Workbook in pdf format and write on a fresh copy. If you prefer to type in a MS word document, then you can download the TicketVisionTemple.doc file and type wherever you see an "X".

The first page of the Ticket Workbook describes the purpose of the Ticket and has space for you to describe your job and a place for your vision. In our experience, the job description is straightforward and the vision is more difficult. Never the less, don't skip writing down your vision. This vision statement may even go thru multiple revisions during the course, while you're at home considering it, and even while you share your vision with other stakeholders in your unit or group. Go back to the pre-course Twenty Questions while you consider your Vision.

The second page of the Ticket Workbook is an optional place for you to jot down notes as you revise your Vision and Goals.

  1. After you have your vision in mind, then it makes sense for you to consider how you will challenge yourself to realize this vision. So, do Part 3: define your five goals.

The third and following pages of the Ticket workbook are places where you can write down the details of your 5 (or more) goals. Either use pages 82+ in the Handbook for this purpose, or use the downloaded pdf version (above) and write in it. If you prefer to type in a MS word document, then you can download the TicketGoalTemple.doc file and type wherever you see an "X". You'll need to use multiple copies of this file--one for each goal.

  1. Have your Troop Guide review and approve your Vision and each of your Goals. If there are other staff members who would helpful to you in stating your Vision or setting your Goals, then let us know. We'd be more than happy to help. But your Troop Guide knows you best and he/she will have final approval on your Goals and Vision.
    We'll need two copies of everything: One for you and one for your Ticket Counselor.

Work along steadily on these Goals. Don't wait until 4:30 on Day Five, which is when they are due. If you want some ideas that may help you formulate some Ticket Goals, then these questions may help.

On Day Six, you'll find out who your Ticket Counselor is. You two will exchange contact information, and you'll be on your way to completing your Ticket.

  1. After Day Six, you'll return home, catch up your sleep and get to work! Use the back page of each Goal sheet to jot down your progress towards your goals. Keep your Ticket Counselor informed of your progress. He/she should be contacting you as well.

Stay in touch! Keep working at it. If things change, talk to your Ticket Counselor early rather than late. Yes your ticket may be changed!

  1. Finish your ticket not later than April 21, 2010.
  2. Fill out the Leader Training Recognition Form

The information Here tells you how to do this.

  1. Schedule your beading with your ticket counselor.

Your ticket counselor will work with you on a date and how the ceremony is to be performed. Who do you want to invite? (Probably, all the guys in your patrol. Which staff members?) There are various ways this could be scripted.

These are just samples; this is your beading so consider how you want it to go. We all look forward to the cacophonously sonorous ending! Also consider the audience's point of view and what will be best for them. It's also more fun (and saves some of our staff time) if more than one person is beaded at the same time.

  1. Yee ha! Let's do it.

All will want to double-check that everyone knows the time and place. The person to be beaded will be in uniform, including the (plaid) Troop 1 neckerchief with red-cord woggle. Detailed directions will probably be needed if you want our staff members from all over central Virginia to actually find where this place is (and be on time)! Assume nothing; double-check. The staff officiating will want to be clear on: