fCardinal District BSA Cardinal District BSA

Wood Badge Handbook

The idea is to have everything our fellow Scouters need for their wood badge experience in one place. The document will also serve as reference, to be used in the future when they want to refresh their memories. You're likely familiar with the Scoutmaster Handbook from BSA--that's what we're aiming at for the Wood Badge course.

The idea comes from WE-35-06 in Marin County California. They put together a "participants notebook" (MSWord format, 4.3 MB: "big") and a "patrol leaders notebook" (MSWord format, 2.41MB).  If you want to see the first 20 pages of the SR917 Wood Badge Handbook, here it is. Note that we are not going to be handing out any "PowerPoint handouts" in SR917 (for example)--Nope. Only what's in the Wood Badge Handbook.

To accomplish this, we are taking the information in the syllabus (and the handouts specified for a session) and putting together a "1-2 page summary" document. This summary will be used in the Wood Badge Handbook
Briefly, here are the steps for getting this done:

  1. Download the 2006 syllabus section relevant to the presentation you're working on.
  2. Download the draft version of the Handbook section you're working on (see below).
  3. Edit the draft to a 1-2 page summary--insert text from the syllabus as necessary (keep it short!). 
    Use the "Listening to Learn" or the "Leaving a Legacy" draft as an idea of what we're aiming for.
  4. Compare the 2008 syllabus with the 2006 syllabus and note any changes.
    (If you could edit the 2006 Word.doc file and eMail it back to ASM-Program, I'd appreciate it).
  5. Review your 1-2 page summary again.
  6. Email your 1-2 page summary to the ASM-Program. Thanks!
  7. We'll reward your efforts by providing you with a copy of the whole handbook!
  8. ?? Questions? eMail or call the ASM-Program.

For a complete listing of each summary, the directory listing is here. Or, click on those sessions with links below:

And, you may notice that the typefaces in use for SR917 are Calibri and Cambria. For more on the style guide, see this word .doc.

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