Reconstitution of a cycad-cyanobacterial association
Maria C. Ow, Miroslav Gantar, and Jeff Elhai
Symbiosis (1999) 27:125-134

Zamia furfuracea and its cyanobiont Nostoc FUR 94201 were separated and reunited in the laboratory to reconstitute a functional symbiosis between a cycad and cyanobacterium. Reconstitution was achieved also with Nostoc 2S9B, a soil cyanobacterium. The identities of the cyanobacteria were confirmed by amplified fragment length polymorphisms, using the highly polymorphic intergenic region separating the 16S RNA and 23S RNA genes. Scanning electron microscopy indicated the presence of mucilaginous material on the surface of roots present when Nostoc FUR 94201 was cocultivated with the plant.