Tuyet Duong

I am a Ph.D. student in the Computer Science Department at Virginia Commonwealth Universiry. My advisor is Dr. Hong-Sheng Zhou.

My primary research interests are in Cryptography and Cryptocurrency.

Email: duongtt3 (AT) vcu (DOT) edu


Cryptography Lab

Research Papers

  • Multi-Mode Cryptocurrency Systems
    with Hong-Sheng Zhou, Alexander Chepurnoy.

  • Trim: Robust Pruning for Blockchain Ledger
    with Hong-Sheng Zhou, Alexander Chepurnoy.

  • A Note on Proof-of-Work Blockchains in the Open Setting
    with Hong-Sheng Zhou.

  • 2-hop Blockchain: Combining Proof-of-Work and Proof-of-Stake Securely
    with Lei Fan, Hong-Sheng Zhou.

    IACR ePrint Report 2016/716

  • TwinsCoin: A Cryptocurrency via Proof-of-Work and Proof-of-Stake
    with Alexander Chepurnoy, Lei Fan, Hong-Sheng Zhou.

    IACR ePrint Report 2017/232

  • Secure Computation against Kleptographic Attacks
    with Alexander Russell, Qiang Tang, Hong-Sheng Zhou.

  • Securing Bitcoin-like Blockchains in the presence of Malicious Majority of Computing Power
    with Lei Fan, Thomas Veale, Hong-Sheng Zhou.