Max Weber versus Karl Marx

A. Weber

Protestantism (particularly Calvinism) was a significant force in the formation of capitalism

Religious self-interest as well as economic self-interest can motivate individuals

Capitalism requires a pool of individuals with personal characteristics necessary to serve as entrepreneurs (Individualistic Orientation, Belief in the virtues of hard work and simplicity of lifestyle)

B. Marx

Economic status is the principal determining factor in all behavior

Beliefs and values are the result of economic forces

Religion serves to justify and sacralize current social arrangements

Religion serves as “false consciousness” and an “opiate”

C. Evidence in support of Weber

Taught that eternal salvation could be attained by serving God through holy orders but also by any form of word that served as a means of expressing one’s faith


Emphasized not only industriousness but also asceticism and delayed gratification

Defined poverty as a product of laziness

Taught that everyone is called to glorify God and to work for the creation of a Divine Kingdom on earth.

Produced a very strong this wordly orientation

Later Calvinists (Puritans) suggested that socioeconomic status was an indication of spiritual status

D. Evidence challenging Weber
Colonialism (influx of capital) and advances in technology fueled capitalism
Jewish and Catholic bankers fueled capitalism
Luther opposed individualism, laissez faire policies, and usury
Calvinists became Calvinists because these beliefs sacralized values and behaviors the already held

E. Gerhard Lenski’s study  – Protestant, Catholic, Jew (1963)

Comparison of Protestants, Catholics, and Jews in Detroit
Catholics more likely to respond to the importance of a job in terms of security and short work hours while Protestants more likely to respond in terms of feeling work is important and provides a sense of accomplishment

Protestants somewhat more opposed to installment buying

Offspring of devout Protestants more socially mobile than nominal members

Offspring of active Catholics more downwardly mobile than nominal Catholics

Relationships held across social class

E. Later Research and Debate

Not clear that Protestants continue to have higher status

Methodological problems (no information on present and past religious affiliations, various ways of
     operationalizing mobility, no distinction between Protestant denominations)

Rational pursuit of wealth has become a component of the general culture

Weber’s research was not intended as a narrow comparison of Protestants and Catholics but of

Weber only argued that Protestants developed the entrepreneurial ethic first



A.   There is a strong correlation between social class and denominational affiliation. Possible explanations.

1. Protestant Ethic Explanation -- The belief system of some denominations may enhance members'
        likelihood of worldly success

2. Elective Affinity -- People choose a religious groups that fits their own socioeconomic position

3. Social Commonality -- People choose a religious group based on common lifestyle (educational level,
        interests, speech patterns)

4. Social Mobility -- Changes in social status are followed by changes in religious affiliation

5. History and Ethnicity -- The class orientation of various denominations reflects the timing of ethnic
        migration to the United States

B.   Social Class and Style of Religiosity -- Sect and Church Styles

1. Nicholas Demerath


            Attendance at Sunday service
            Participation in parish activities
            Involvement in secular civic organizations


            Number of close friends in the congregation (communal involvement)
            Extent to which the church provides direction for everyday living
            Disapproval of minister's participation in community affairs

2. Rodney Stark

Participation in religious rituals
High degree of religious knowledge
High involvement in voluntary church organizations and activities


Orthodoxy - biblical literalism
Personal devotionalism (daily prayer)
Most close friends are church members (communal involvement)
Ethicalism -- application of religious principles to everyday life
Particularism -- belief that only members of one's own denomination will be saved

                    Higher status church members participate to a greater degree in those activities that reinforce their
                        respectability and confirm their worldly success

                    Lower status church members participate in ways that offer comfort and solace and provide
                        compensators for lack of worldly success

                    Social class differences are more of kind than degree of involvement

        3. James Davidson

                  Social class of the congregation is more important than individual socioeconomic status in affecting
                        individuals' style of religiosity

                  Local congregations affirm certain behaviors or beliefs as central and apply informal group norms to
                        enforce that style of religiosity

                  Individual socioeconomic status had less impact on conservative, community-like groups than in liberal
                        audience-like congregations



Theodicy  – Belief system explaining reasons for evil, suffering, and injustice by placing them in a
     divine master scheme


Lower status theodicies

Tend to emphasize despair, escape.
God is comforter, protector, savior.
Sin is a state of being
Emphasis on rules, obedience, conformity
Upper status theodicies
Tend to emphasize good fortune, prosperity as a sign of blessing or favor.

God is energetic activity and same productive activity is expected from humans

Sins are specific actions or personal characteristics

Emphasis on individual freedom, creativity, critical thinking, independence

Eschatology  – Belief system explaining how and when ultimate victory over suffering and death will
      commence in the future

Lower status eschatologies

Tend to be otherworldly (reality of this world is denied except as a testing ground)

Only faithful will reach heaven

Tend to be millennial (transformation of the world will be sudden and inaugurated by supernatural powers, collective, terrestrial, imminent, total, supernatural)

Postmillennial  – Savior will come after humans have prepared the way

Premillennial  – God will intervene unilaterallyin human history in response to human sinfulness

Upper status eschatologies
Tend to be progressive (God and humans will work gotether to attain perfection)

God’s plan is an ever more humane, just, Godly kingdom on earth)